I recently met with Hannah Lee and Nico Carver of the University of Delaware Library’s Student Multimedia Design Center to brainstorm ideas for multimedia support and services for our faculty and staff.  As such, I have this list of resources and opportunities to share with you regarding some upcoming events.

Please note that after the holiday break, faculty and staff will receive a request to complete a survey about multimedia needs. We encourage you to respond so that we may explore customized training options for our faculty and staff, both in the Departments and in Extension.

Winter Faculty Institute 

The winter faculty institute, held each January by UD Information Technologies-Academic Technology Services, helps faculty and those who teach at UD (i.e. our Extension professionals) improve teaching and learning through the application of technology.  An invited speaker comes from off campus to introduce the current year’s theme.  This year, Robert Steiner of the American Museum of Natural History, will give a keynote on “Institutions in Transition: Research, Teaching, and Learning in the Digital Age.” This year the institute will be held on January 22 at the Courtyard Marriott; it is also offered as a webcast.  Registration is open on the website. Past institutes have covered such topics as videoconferencing, clicker use, ePortfolios, iPads in the classroom, using movies in classroom teaching, and more.

Winter Faculty Institute: Digital Storytelling Workshop

Limited space is available for individuals wishing to extend their winter faculty institute to January 23, to participate in a digital storytelling workshop.  This workshop will cover the full gamut of video production from start to finish and will be held at the UD Library’s Student Multimedia Design Center.  Visit the Winter Faculty Institute page for more information.  Registration for the Digital Storytelling workshop is on the same form as the Winter Faculty Institute.


Through University of Delaware Information Technologies, students, faculty, and staff have access to VTC.com‘s extensive online training library, which contains over 98,000 video tutorials in over 1000 online courses covering software programs in subjects like 3D, audio, video, photography, graphic design, web and interactive design, business, and development. You can request a user name and password to the VTC library by contacting Information Technologies.

UD Library’s Multimedia Literacy online guide

This online guide is a resource that gives step by step instruction for producing videos and multimedia pieces.  Designed by Hannah Lee and Nico Carver, it incorporates the equipment and technology available at UD.

Workshops offered by UD SMDC

The SMDC has not yet finalized their list of spring workshops; however these workshops are open to students, faculty and staff at no charge.  Workshop topics will likely include: an intro to the SMDC; understanding your digital camera; iMovie essentials; Adobe Photoshop; Final Cut Pro; video production; digitizing old formats (audio, video, photos); and more. We will share this information as it becomes available to us.