Submitted by Michele Walfred, Communications Specialist, Carvel Research and Education Center

When providing your email address on the web, it is better to hyperlink your name with the actual address not visible e.g., Michele Walfred as opposed to In addition, avoid using the symbol in place of the word “at.”

Spambots continually scour the Internet for the “@” sign and collect emails and sell them. @ symbols are like hands waving to spammers to come visit your site!

Correct: 4-H leaders and their club members will meet at Carvel at 7:00 p.m.
Wrong: 4-H leaders and their members will meet@Carvel @7:00 p.m.

By hiding the html behind the email name, you force spammers to perform an extra step to obtain your email address. It won’t stop spam, but it will slow down the volume. For your legitimate viewers, it will be a convenience.

In WP and with all other websites:

· Hover over your name, go to the link button
· Back out the http:// and enter:
You can put a space after the colon it does not matter. You do not use a http or www for email.
· Click the option to open the link in a new page. When a visitor clicks on your name, their default email program will start up in a new window. Your full email address will be revealed at that time.