HELP WANTED: Native Plant Knowledge

Homeowner address is 50 Morgan Hollow Way in Landenberg, PA.

We are 4 miles north of Clayton Hall on 896 in the Morgan Hollow development.

 I have a large perennial garden where I grow a lot of native plants.  I am not able to take care of it by myself any more,  and have had help from a master gardener for the past 5 -6 years, but she has also become too old to continue doing this.  I do use commercial help with the rest of our large property, but these folks don’t know anything about native perennials and pull them out thinking they’re weeds.  They do put down pre-emergent on this garden in early spring.

I am looking for someone with native plant knowledge to weed this garden, primarily for dandelions, wild onions, etc.  I need this done about 16 hours during the rest of March, 24 hours in April & May, and 8 – 16 hours later in the summer…. a total of about 48 – 56 hours. I’m flexible about the number of hours/day.  I pay $20/hour.

Contact: Dana Ulery    610-255-4425
