NEW: Starting April 14, 2020, you will be required to sign in to access the module quizzes with a registered email address. If you have completed any UD online continuing education module prior to April 14, 2020, you should be able to log into additional (uncompleted) module quizzes with the email we have on file.  New users, return to the online continuing education main page to register prior to completing this module.

Module Materials and Instructions

House tightness is one of the key factors in ventilating a poultry house. The tighter the house the more control you have over where the air is coming from and being directed. Proper house tightness will create a better environment for the poultry by managing air quality, temperature, and moisture. A good rule of thumb when checking house tightness is to have 1 cfm of fan capacity per square foot of floor space. For example, 20,000 cfm’s for a 20,000 sq.ft. house (2- 36” fans). Keep in mind that how many cfm’s a fan can pull will be influenced by belt tightness, cleanliness of louvers, static pressure. If you visit the Bess Labs website( and know the manufacturer and model of your fan you can determine the cfm’s that fans pull under different static pressures. Another good rule of thumb- is for every 0.01 static pressure the air is thrown 2’.  So, in a house that is forty’ wide, we need to be able throw the air 20’ to get to the middle of the house. Keep in mind that as the air gets colder, it gets heavier and may take more pressure to throw the air the same distance as when the air is milder. When the outside air is warmer, it is lighter and may be easier to throw to the center.

This module consists of two newsletters, one that discusses house tightness and another explaining how to check for house tightness using smoke emitters. Upon completion of this module, you will better understand the factors influencing house tightness and the tools available to identify loose areas within a poultry house.

Fact Sheets:

Please answer the questions in the quiz after viewing the material. Once you have the completed the quiz, the answers will be recorded and graded. You will need to achieve a score of 80% to receive credit for the continuing education module. IMPORTANT: You have five attempts to complete the quiz with this link, so we highly recommend that you review the educational material before you complete the quiz.

Quiz: Poultry House Tightness Tips & Smoke Tracing to Identify Air Infiltration Leaks

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