Delaware 4-H and FFA Spring Dairy Show

DSC_0163The 2016 Delaware 4-H and FFA Spring Dairy Show is April 2, 2016 at the Delaware State Fairgrounds.  The show is open to all Delmarva Residents who are owners or lessors of Holstein, Jersey, Ayrshire, Guernsey and Brown Swiss cattle.  The show will include both a Junior Division (age 21 & under as of January 1, 2016) and an Open Division which will run concurrently.

It is strongly suggested that all animals be vaccinated for shipping fever.  Out of state exhibitors will need interstate health papers issued within 30 days of the show.  Maryland Intrastate Health Certificates will also be accepted provided it has been checked and signed at a Maryland show within 30 days.

For rules, a complete class list, and entry form, please visit:

Delaware Holstein Association Annual Meeting March 12

Delaware Holstein Association

2016 Annual Meeting March 12

Host Farm – William Vanderwende & Sons, 4003 Seashore Hwy, Bridgeville, DE – 10:00

The Vanderwende Family has invited the membership to visit their home farm.  Three generations of the family are involved in the operation that includes a 225 cow dairy, a 4,000 acre crop operation and most recently an on farm creamery. The farm is located about 6 miles west of Bridgeville on the north side on Seashore Highway.

Luncheon – Jimmy’s Grille, Bridgeville, DE – 12:30

To reach the restaurant from the farm, take Seashore Hwy east toward Bridgeville, following Business 404. At the first dead end turn left on Market Street and at the second turn right on S. Main Street. Jimmy’s Grille will be on the left at 18541 S. Main Street.  At Walgreens, you’ve gone too far!

Annual Meeting – 1:30   

Reports on 2015 Association Activities  Election of Directors  Junior and Senior Production Awards  Junior Member Awards Program – The Story of Vanderwende Farm Creamery  The Vanderwendes have diversified their dairy operation with the addition of the creamery.  Taylor Vanderwende will be on hand to tell our group about the history of the creamery and their plans for the future.

Jr. Association Annual Meeting – 2:30   All Juniors are welcome to participate in the first meeting of 2016.  Learn what’s in store for the coming year.

Lunch tickets will be $10.00 for adults.  Junior members, under age 21, will be free.  2016 dues can be paid at the meeting.  Dues are based on the number of milking registered cows.  $20.00 is the base fee with an additional charge of $0.15 per cow for each registered milking animal.

Other “Dairy Dates” to Mark on the Calendar 

March 30, 2016 – Delaware Dairy Princess Contest – Ag Museum, Dover

April 2, 2016 – Delaware 4-H & FFA Dairy Expo – Delaware State Fairgrounds, Harrington

May 1, 2016 – Final Futurity Entries and Payments Due

July 2 & 3, 2016 – Cow Camp 2016 – Delaware State Fairgrounds, Harrington

July 23, 2016 – Delaware Jr Dairy Futurity & 4th Annual Senior Showmanship Contest!!

A Special Note to Juniors In order to be eligible for the production awards, you must provide the following information on all animals you wish to have considered.  These must be milking animals registered in your name.  Please return the information below to Charmayne Busker, 1676 Drapers Corners Road, Harrington, DE 19952 by March 7th if you wish to be considered. Email is  Phone 398-4764. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Registration Name________________________________________ Number________________
305 day record completed in 2015:
_____age_________days  ____________milk  ____%  _______fat  ___%  ________protein
Dam______________________________   Sire____________________________________
DHIA Herd in which record was completed_________________________________________
Junior Member__________________________________   Age__________

Milk Protection Program

Dairy Margin Protection Program update

The Agricultural Act of 2014 (2014 Farm Bill) authorizes the Margin Protection Program for dairy producers (MPP-Dairy). This new voluntary risk management program replaces the Milk Income Loss Contract (MILC) program which expires on September 1, 2014. MPP-Dairy offers protection to dairy producers when the difference (the margin) between the all-milk price and national average feed cost falls below a certain producer selected amount.

Eligible producers may purchase coverage for their dairy operations by paying an annual administrative fee of $100, and a premium as applicable, for higher levels of coverage. Producers in the dairy operation will have to select a desired coverage level ranging from $4.00 to $8.00, in $0.50 increments, and a desired coverage percentage level ranging from 25 to 90 percent, in 5 percent increments. Producers in the dairy operation will also have to decide whether or not to participate in the MPP-Dairy Program or the

Livestock Gross Margin program administered by the Risk Management Agency, but will not be allowed to participate in both. However. FSA is working on a process to allow maximum flexibility for dairy producers to make that decision.

Dairy operations will establish their production history upon initial registration for the MPP- Dairy program. Production history will be established for a dairy operation based on the highest annual milk production marketed during the full calendar years of 2011, 2012, or 20 13. New dairy operations in operation for less than a year will either have their production established on their available full months marketed milk production extrapolated to a yearly amount or their estimated actual marketed milk production based on the actual herd size of the dairy operation relative to the national rolling herd average.

Verification of the production records used to establish the production history for the dairy operation will be required. Payments under the program will be triggered when margins fall below their producer selected levels.

The regulations for MPP-Dairy are still being developed. Please watch for additional information about this program as it becomes available. 

The following schedule may be used for your planning purposes:

  • Now… Producers should obtain milk marketings for calendar years 2011, 2012, and 2013.
  • Sept 2014… Decision Tool will be made available to help make coverage level decisions.
  • Fall 2014… When announced by FSA, enroll in 2014 and/or 2015 MPP-Dairy program.