Fall Pasture Walk 2015

WHEN: Wednesday, September 16, 2015

LOCATION: University of Delaware Webb Farm

508 Chapel Street, Newark, DE 19713

TIME: 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

CREDITS: 1.25 DE Nutrient Management

Come and learn about pasture management and how the University of Delaware’s Webb farm is trying to extend grazing season. We will discuss incorporating brassicas, fodder beets, and other short term, high DM yielding crops (NZ style) for smoothing out the bottoms in the grass growth curves. Experts will be on hand to answer specific questions. The meeting is free and open to anyone interested in attending.

To register or request more information, please call our office at (302)-831-2506

Please register by Friday, September 11!

Hosted by: Extension Agents Dan Severson and Susan Garey and Extension Specialist Dr. Richard Taylor

*If you have special needs in accessing this program, please call the office two weeks in advance

Courtesy of Callidora Farms

Photo courtesy of Callidora Farms

Scrapie 101 for Sheep and Goat Producers

Scrapie. A word in the sheep and goat industry that is well known by many, but is truly understood by few. Scrapie is defined as a fatal, degenerative, neurological disease that affects a sheep or goat’s central nervous system. Scientifically, scrapie is classified as a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy or TSE, which is closely related to BSE or Mad Cow disease. The disease itself was first spotted in the United States in 1947 but has been recognized since 1732. Since then, it rapidly spread across the globe, causing massive damage to the sheep and goat industry as a whole. However, with increased awareness and improved management techniques over the years, countries began eradicating the disease from their flocks. Both New Zealand and Australia have successfully eradicated scrapie from their flocks, with the United States attempting to become the third scrapie free country. With scrapie costing the United States sheep industry ten to twenty million dollars annually, it is critical for each breeder to do his or her part in helping the country become scrapie free. In order to eradicate this disease, it is important to understand and become educated on the causes, signs, and prevention of scrapie.eradicate scrapie

Although still being further investigated by scientist and researchers, an agent that is smaller than a virus and linked to the prion protein is the cause of scrapie. The scrapie agent causes the normal cellular prion protein to become abnormal, causing the cell to grow and replicates at an alarming rate. Scrapie is also highly contagious and can travel from sheep to sheep fairly quickly. Scrapie can be transmitted via bodily fluids of the infected animals, most commonly from an infected ewe or doe to her offspring through the afterbirth or milk. An animal’s genetic make-up also plays an important role in the susceptibility to contracting scrapie with certain DNA characteristics and breeds, such as Suffolk and Hampshire, having higher risks for contracting the disease.

In order to proper defend a flock from scrapie, it is important to be able to recognize an infected animal as soon as possible. Initially, an animal infected with scrapie may appear healthy since scrapie does not begin to take its toll on the animal for two to five years. Scrapie causes several signs and symptoms that can vary animal to animal and can also vary in severity. An animal with scrapie may experience weight loss, behavior changes, tremors, sensitivity to sound or light, or itchiness. More obvious signs include: wool pulling, biting of limbs, hopping on rear legs, inability to stand, or even death. It is critical to be able to recognize these signs and symptoms since a scrapie positive sheep should be immediately removed from the flock to prevent further contamination.

Angora goat with scrapie

Angora goat with scrapie

Sheep with scrapie at the University of Idaho

Sheep with scrapie at the University of Idaho

Currently there is no treatment, for the disease is ultimately fatal to any animal that is infected. However, scrapie can be prevented if the proper measures are taken to ensure the safety of the flock. Scrapie is known to have a heat resistant quality and be resistant to standard cleaning practices, making it somewhat difficult to eradicate once present on farm. Regular cleaning of the ground and fences with strong bleach or lye has been proven to kill scrapie. It is also important to ensure that the birthing area is clean, has fresh bedding, and is free of afterbirth. By eliminating places for the scrapie disease organism to lie dormant, the risk of scrapie becomes substantially lower. Another prevention method is to verify that those selling sheep or goats are part of the scrapie certification program and to ensure any sheep bought have proper scrapie tag identification. Throughout the country, each state has taken different precautions to make sure that any scrapie outbreaks can be quickly traced back to the flock of origin and stopped as soon as possible.

In Delaware specifically, all sheep and goats require an official ear tag prior to moving off the premises of origin in order to trace the animal should it contract scrapie. Scrapie tags are thin, usually white, ear tags that include an animal number along with a unique scrapie number specific to a producer’s farm and the US shield. These tags can be easily acquired at any time by calling 1-866-USDA-TAG at no cost to the animal owner and the tags never expire. The National Scrapie Eradication Program will also send those that order scrapie tags a free applicator, making the process easier for producers and eliminating excuses for not following the program.

Example of an official scrapie ID tag.  Courtesy of Premiere.

Example of an official scrapie ID tag. Courtesy of Premier. No endorsement intended.

Many times sheep and goats are often bought and sold to various producers around the country for breeding purposes with can cause some confusion on proper scrapie tag management. If buying sheep or goats with a scrapie tags already in place, then the buyer should leave the original tag in and not replace it with their own. All sheep must have a scrapie tags in place before being sold initially, with the responsibility of this falling on the breeders to perform this action. Finally, scrapie tags should never be shared since they include a number that is specific to one individual producer or farm and would cause confusion should an outbreak occur.

Guest Blog by Hunter Murray, Extension Scholar 2015.  Hunter is a lifelong sheep breeder and can be reached at hmurray@udel.edu.


FAQ about the scrapie program. USDA. Web. 11 Aug. 2015

Scrapie. Colorado State University Extension. Web. 11 Aug. 2015.

Scrapie fact sheet. National Scrapie Education Initiative. Web. 11 Aug. 2015



USDA Lamb and Goat Price Report

Here is a message that I received from another small ruminant extension person out in Minnesota.

The USDA-AMS has started to release a Grass-Fed Lamb & Goat price report every month, the first one this past May 13.  It can be found at:



The following link is a blog about its release:




The North Carolina Department of Agriculture will also issue a pastured lamb report. Here is the url for the first one: http://www.ams.usda.gov/mnreports/ra_lo102.txt


Small Ruminant Winter Webinar Series Begins in February

A five part webinar series will be held on consecutive Wednesday evenings in February and March 2015. All webinars will start at 7:00 p.m. EST and last for one hour.  Each webinar will be followed by a question and answer period. The instructors will be Jeff Semler and Susan Schoenian.

A webinar is a seminar or short course conducted over the world wide web. Interaction is via a chat box. All webinars will be conducted via Adobe Connect. Anyone (anywhere) with an Internet connection may participate. A high speed connection is recommended. The webinars are open to the first 100 people who log in.  While pre-registration is not required, interested people are asked to subscribe to the University of Maryland’s small ruminant webinar listserv. To subscribe, send an email message to listserv@listserv.umd.edu In the body of the message, type subscribe sheepgoatwebinars. The listserv is used to communicate with webinar participants and to notify subscribers of upcoming webinars. You can always unsubscribe to the webinar listserv by sending an email message to the same address; in the body of the message, type unsubscribe sheepgoatwebinars.

The webinars will be recorded, minimally edited, and made public for viewing. PowerPoint presentations will be available for viewing and downloading at SlideShare. Links to webinar recordings and PowerPoint presentations will be available at http://sheepandgoat.com/recordings.html.

Recordings will also be converted to YouTube videos. In fact, we are in the process of converting all previous webinar recordings into YouTube videos. Visit the Maryland Extension Small Ruminant YouTube Channel to listen to any previously recorded webinar. Previous webinar series have covered ewe and doe management, feeding and nutrition, breeding and genetics, health and diseases, ethnic marketing, foot health, internal parasites (worms), and the National Sheep Improvement Program (NSIP).

For more information contact Susan Schoenian at (301) 432-2767 x343 or sschoen@umd.edu or go to http://www.sheepandgoat.com/programs/2015webinars.html.

#      Date              Time                Topic

I      February 4      7 p.m. EST      Planning a pasture system

II     February 11    7 p.m.              Pasture plants, including alternative forages

III    February 18    7 p .m.             Pasture and grazing management

IV    February 25    7 p.m.              Pasture nutrition

V    March 4           7 p.m.              Pasture health problems

Delaware Ag Week Programs for Livestock Producers

Mark your calendars for the 10th Annual Delaware Agriculture Week, January 12-16, 2015.  This is an excellent educational opportunity for Delaware agriculture stakeholders to learn best practices and new technologies, meet vendors and network with other agricultural producers.  This year’s event will once again be located at the Delaware State Fairgrounds in Harrington.  Delaware Agriculture Week provides numerous sessions that cover a wide array of topics including small fruits, fresh market & processing vegetables, small flock & commercial poultry, grain marketing, grain crops, hay & pasture, beef cattle, irrigation, direct marketing, and much more.  Nutrient management, pesticide, and certified crop adviser continuing education credits will be offered.

Delaware Ag Week is sponsored by the University of Delaware Cooperative Extension, Delaware State University Cooperative Extension and the Delaware Department of Agriculture.

Sessions of particular interest to livestock producers are January 12 and 13, 2015 and include the Beef Cattle Producers Session, the Delmarva Hay and Pasture Conference and the Small Ruminant Session.  The program schedule’s are as follows:

Delaware Ag Week Seminar for Beef Cattle Producers, Monday, January 12, 2015- 6:00-9:00 pm

Exhibit Hall Board Room

6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.– Selecting and Caring for a Herd Bull- Dr. Dee Whittier, Bovine Specialist and Extension Veterinarian Cattle, Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine

Break for Light Dinner Sponsored by the Delaware Beef Advisory Board

7:20 p.m. -7:35 p.m. – Delaware Beef Advisory Board Updates

7:35 p.m. -8:35 p.m. Using Available Tools to Take Advantage of the Good Times in the Beef Industry- Dr. Dee Whittier, Bovine Specialist and Extension Veterinarian Cattle, Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine

8:45 p.m. – Questions, Evaluations and Adjourn

Please RSVP to Susan Garey by January 9th truehart@udel.edu or (302)730-4000 if you plan on attending so we can make the necessary arrangements for food and materials.

DE/MD NM Credits: 0 CCA Credits:  PD: 2

Delmarva Hay & Pasture Conference, Tuesday, January 13, 2015 9:00 am-3:30 pm

Commodities Building

 9:00 a.m. – 9:15 a.m. “Welcome, Housekeeping Details and Evaluations” Dr. Richard Taylor, Extension Agronomy Specialist, University of Delaware

9:15 a.m. -10:15 a.m.Managing Forage Quality with Fluctuating Weather” Dr. Sid Bosworth, Extension Agronomist, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT

10:15- a.m. – 11:00 a.m. “Improving Hay and Pasture Quality Through New Developments in AlfalfaDick Kaufman, Regional Manager, W-L Research, Columbia, PA

11:00-a.m- 11:30 am. “Weather Patterns that Influence Hay Making” Kevin Brinson, Associate State Climatologist and Director Delaware Environmental Observing System (DEOS), University of Delaware

DE Pesticide Certification Credits: 0 MD Pesticide Credits 1 DE NM Credits 1.25 MD NM Credits 1 CCA Credits: 2

 11:30 a.m.           LUNCH IN DOVER Building

1:00 p.m.-1:15 p.m.Greetings From the National Maryland-Delaware Forage Council” Dr. Les Vough, President, Maryland-Delaware Forage Council

1:15 p.m.-2:00 p.m. “Improving Farm Viability Through Advanced Forage Crop Selection and Management” Dr. Sid Bosworth, Extension Agronomist, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT

2:00 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. “When and How to Fertilize Your Pastures to Maintain Stands and Increase Productivity” Dr. Les Vough, Forage Agronomist, Southern Maryland, Resource Conservation and Development, Inc.

2:45 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. “Nutrient Needs and Common Deficiencies of Forage Crops” Dr. Richard Taylor, Extension Agronomy Specialist, University of Delaware

DE/MD Pesticide Certification Credits: 0 DE NM Credits 2.25 MD NM Credits: 2 CCA Credits: NM: 1.5 CM: 0.5

Delaware Ag Week Seminar for Small Ruminant Producers, Tuesday, January 13, 2015- 6:00-9:00 pm

Exhibit Hall Board Room

6:00 p.m. – 6:50 p.m. An Annual Management Calendar for Sheep and Goats- Susan Garey, Extension Agent Animal Science and Dan Severson, New Castle County Extension Agricultural Agent, University of Delaware

Break for Light Dinner

7:05 p.m.-7:30 p.m. Using Anthelmintics Effectively in Small Ruminants- Dan Severson, New Castle County Extension Agricultural Agent, University of Delaware

7:30 p.m. -8:45 p.m. – Value Added Sheep and Goat Producer Panel– hear from producers who have had success with value added sheep and goats products such as cheese, skin care products and meat.

Jackie Jackson, Owner, Fresh ‘N Fancy Goats Milk Soap and Lotion

Dr. Thomas Schaer, Owner, Meadowset Farm and Apiary

Colleen and Michael Histon, Owners, Shepherds Manor Creamery

8:45 p.m. – Questions, Evaluations and Adjourn

Please RSVP to Susan Garey by January 9th truehart@udel.edu or (302)730-4000 if you plan on attending so we can make the necessary arrangements for food and materials.

Sheep Operations With Footrot Needed

The University of Maine Cooperative Extension is seeking sheep farms with footrot to participate in an applied research project funded by Northeast SARE. The project is in its 4th year and has already gathered data from approximately 1,000 sheep in the northeast. The researchers are seeking data from additional flocks to determine if a genetic marker can be identified for possible resistance to the footrot.Sheep on its knees

Sheep farms with footrot from the following states are sought: Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and West Virginia

If you have footrot in your flock and would like to participate, please contact Principal Investigator Richard Brzozowski at richard.brzozowski@maine.edu or (207) 951-7155.

All information about participating farms is confidential. For more information about the project and the protocol, see http://umaine.edu/sheep