You may have noticed that the price of eggs have increased in the past couple of weeks. The main reason is due to a shortage of eggs coming from major egg producer states. The United States is home to roughly 280 million laying hens that produce around 75 billion eggs a year. Iowa is the largest egg producing state with over 58 million hens in production. According to the American Egg Board the 2014 per capita consumption of eggs in the United States has increased to 263 eggs. Of that 60 percent of the eggs produced are used by consumers, 9 percent used in the food service industry leaving 31 percent of the eggs being used in egg products like cake mixes and mayonnaise. The main reason for the increase in egg prices is due to a decline in laying hens that have contracted Avian Influenza.
Avian influenza (AI) is the bird flu. Just like humans there is a flu that affects birds. AI is a virus that naturally occurs in wild birds such as geese, ducks, shorebirds and can spread to domestic poultry like chickens and turkeys. Unlike humans wild birds cannot go to the doctor if they have the flu and from what I have been reading the last human flu shot was only 19 percent effective. AI is primarily spread through direct contact between healthy birds and infected birds. The virus is excreted through the feces of infected birds and is the most common cause of transmission. The issue is that our major egg producing states are on flyways for ducks and geese that migrate during certain times of the year which puts our hens in jeopardy.
The signs of illness of birds infected with AI typically have decreased food consumption, coughing and sneezing along with decreased egg production. However, there is no need to panic if you have a back yard flock. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has developed recommendations that may prevent a poultry disease outbreak.
1. Restrict access to your property and your birds.
2. Keep your clothes, shoes, equipment and hands clean.
3. If you have been near other birds or bird owners, clean and disinfect poultry cages and equipment before going home and follow number 2.
4. Don’t borrow tools and poultry supplies from other bird owners.
5. Know the warning signs such as sneezing, coughing, nasal discharge, lack of energy, poor appetite and sudden increase in mortality.
6. Sick or dead domestic birds, including backyard flocks and commercial poultry, should be reported to the Delaware Department of Agriculture’s Poultry and Animal Health Section, (302) 698-4500 or (800) 282-8685.
7. To report groups of dead or sick waterfowl, shorebirds or gulls, contact the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control’s Wildlife Section-Wildlife Disease Program at (302) 735-3600.
In summary proper biosecurity measures can prevent disease outbreaks. Isolating your birds from wild birds is key in the fight against AI. If you have any questions stop by the New Castle County Cooperative Extension Office located at 461 Wyoming Road in Newark, Delaware, or phone 302-831-2506 for more information. For comments or questions email me at or follow me on twitter @DanSeversonUD.
Backyard Poultry
Avian Influenza
Avian flu no threat to Delaware poultry yet
DOVER — Even though no avian influenza has been reported in Delmarva or even on the East Coast, Delaware is taking no chances.
Since December 2014, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has confirmed several cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5 in the Pacific, Central and Mississippi flyways — the paths used by migratory birds. The disease has been found in wild birds, as well as in a few backyard and commercial poultry flocks.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention considers the risk to people to be low and no human cases of these HPAI H5 viruses have been detected in the United States, Canada or internationally.
Bill Satterfield, executive director of the Delmarva Poultry Industry, said in an email last week the Delaware Department of Agriculture, the 1,600 Delmarva families who raise chickens and all the poultry-related industries are concerned about the possibility of avian influenza viruses reaching the peninsula.
“We are not in a panic mode,” he said, “but are working to make sure the virus is kept away from our commercial chickens and to be prepared in case it is discovered.”
Delmarva’s chicken industry is geared toward producing meat, not eggs, he said. Delaware is ranked 10th among the states in the pounds of meat chickens produced in 2013. More than 1.5 billion pounds were produced.
Poultry and related industries contributed $3.2 billion to the Delaware economy in 2011, according to the University of Delaware.
Mr. Satterfield said efforts continue to improve biosecurity, update prevention and response plans and ensure resources are in place to deal with the potentially devastating disease.
“The three diagnostic laboratories for Delmarva are gearing up in case there are suspicious or confirmed cases of avian influenza,” he said.
Planning exercises also are in the works.
On Monday, the Delaware Department of Agriculture announced it is prohibiting waterfowl entries in the poultry competitions at the Delaware State Fair, July 23-Aug. 1 in Harrington, in order to protect against avian influenza.
Ducks and geese won’t be exhibited. Exhibitions of chickens, quail, pheasants, turkeys and other birds will take place, but all birds will be tested for avian influenza by the Department of Agriculture personnel before the fair begins.
“This action is being taken out of an abundance of caution to guard against the spread of avian influenza,” said Delaware state veterinarian Dr. Heather Hirst.
Since many species of wild waterfowl can carry and shed influenza virus in feces without showing any signs of illness, Dr. Hirst said it is important to keep domestic birds separated from wild waterfowl and to keep domestic birds off waterways where wild waterbirds live.
Avian influenza spreads bird-to-bird through saliva, feces and other bodily fluids.
Biosecurity measures recommended by the department include isolating birds from visitors and other birds; keeping shoes, tools, equipment, vehicles and cages clean when entering areas where birds live; avoiding tracking wild waterfowl feces into domestic bird living areas; avoiding sharing equipment and tools with neighbors; watching for warning signs of disease; and reporting sick or dead birds.
Sick or dead domestic birds, including backyard flocks and commercial poultry, should be reported to the Delaware Department of Agriculture’s Poultry and Animal Health Section, (302) 698-4500 or (800) 282-8685.
To report groups of dead or sick waterfowl, shorebirds or gulls, contact the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control’s Wildlife Section-Wildlife Disease Program at (302) 735-3600.
For more information on avian influenza, visit
Poultry Health
Due to recent concerns about Avian Influenza the Delaware State Department of Agriculture has created a web site that contains some FAQ about the subject. Please visit: for more information. Thanks
Bird Health
From Delmarva’s Morning Ag Clips:
Maryland’s agricultural officials are taking their fight against bird flu to festival grounds across the state.
The state Department of Agriculture announced Monday that any poultry, whether from the state or elsewhere, must be tested for the flu at least 10 days before entry in any Maryland fair or show. The only exception are birds that originate in a National Poultry Improvement Plan clean or monitored flock.
In addition, all waterfowl are banned from entry.
The current strain of H5N2 avian influenza isn’t suspected of posing a threat to humans. The Midwest-centered outbreak has spread to more than 30 million poultry since last December.
It has not been detected in Maryland, Delaware or Virginia
Avian Flu
WASHINGTON — While U.S. poultry producers enjoyed one of the most profitable years on record in 2014, averaging margins of 13 percent before interest and tax, concerns are mounting within the industry as Avian influenza (AI) continues to spread worldwide, including to a number of states in the U.S.
Though the current outbreak of AI in commercial flocks is unique to poultry producers, pork producers who have suffered problems related to porcine epidemic diarrhea (PED) virus, and cattle raisers who have confronted a number of animal disease problems including Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), hoof and mouth disease and Texas cattle fever, are reminders of how deadly pathogens can become a game spoiler if producers let their guard down or fail to respond to a potential animal health crisis.
In the very least, animal health issues should remain a real concern for agricultural producers as research indicates certain credible biosecurity threats could be near the top of the list of potential vulnerabilities to national and International security, especially given the current global climate of terrorists threats and problems related to domestic insurgency.
— Logan Hawkes
Southwest Farm Press
Starting a Small Flock of Chickens
An Article from Purina dealing with A backyard chicken flock.
SHOREVIEW, Minn. — Families across the country are joining the backyard flock revolution. With a coop, some chicks and a long-term plan of action, a backyard flock brings families fresh, wholesome eggs and the enjoyment of watching a baby chick grow into an egg-laying hen. The first step in establishing a backyard flock is creating a plan.
“We can gain a lot from a backyard flock,” says Gordon Ballam, Ph.D., director of lifestyle innovation & technical service for Purina Animal Nutrition. “Chickens can produce truly fresh eggs and flavorful, healthy meat. And we’re able to enjoy watching birds from our back porch and teaching our children responsibilities and how animals grow.”
Before buying new chicks this spring, Ballam encourages six tips in flock planning.
1. Select the breed that’s right for you.
Poultry breeds come in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors. Families looking to produce eggs or meat are encouraged to start with common breeds of chickens.
“Determine what you’d like to gain from your flock,” Ballam recommends. “If you want fresh eggs, consider: White Leghorn hybrids (white eggs), Plymouth Barred Rocks (brown eggs), Rhode Island Reds (brown eggs), Blue Andalusians (white eggs) or Ameraucanas/Easter Eggers (blue eggs). Cornish Cross chickens grow quickly and are best suited for meat production. If you’re hoping to produce both eggs and meat, consider dual-purposed breeds like Plymouth Barred Rock, Sussex or Buff Orpingtons. Exotic breeds are best for show or pets.”
2. Determine the number of birds you’d like.
The number and gender of birds in your flock may be determined by local ordinances and your flock goals.
“Remember that young chicks grow into full-grown birds,” Ballam says. “Create a budget for: the time you are able to spend with your flock; the housing the birds will require; a plan for how you’ll collect and use eggs; and what you’ll do with the birds after they retire from laying eggs. Then start small with a flock of 4 to 6 chicks.”
3. Research a reputable chick supplier.
Purchase chicks from a credible U.S. Pullorum-Typhoid Clean hatchery. To prevent potential disease problems, ensure the hatchery vaccinated chicks for Marek’s Disease and coccidiosis.
4. Prepare your brooder.
Keep baby chicks in a warm, draft-free shelter, called a brooder. The brooder should: be completely enclosed with a bottom surface that can be covered with bedding; and have a heating lamp. Avoid square corners in the brooding area to prevent chicks from being trapped in the corner should the birds huddle in one area.
“Each chick needs at least 2 to 3 square feet of floor space for the first six weeks,” Ballam says. “Set the brooder temperature to 90 degrees Fahrenheit for the first week and then gradually reduce heat by 5 degrees Fahrenheit each week until reaching a minimum of 55 degrees Fahrenheit. Be sure to have a spacious, clean coop ready for the chicks once the supplemental heat source is no longer required. Through all stages, always provide plenty of fresh clean water that is changed daily.”
5. Focus on sanitation.
Before new chicks arrive – and throughout the growing process – be sure to keep their environment clean. Young chicks are susceptible to early health risks, so disinfect all materials prior to use and then weekly.
“The correct household disinfectants can work well,” Ballam says. “Make sure to read the directions to ensure your disinfectant is safe to use and doesn’t leave a residual film. A mixture of 10 percent bleach and 90 percent water can work well, if the cleaner is rinsed thoroughly following cleaning.”
6. Create a long-term nutrition plan.
A healthy full-grown bird begins on day one. Provide a balanced starter diet to new chicks, based on their breed traits.
“For chicks who will later lay eggs, select a feed that has 18 percent protein, like Purina® Start & Grow® Crumbles,” Ballam recommends. “For meat birds and mixed flocks, choose a complete feed with 20 percent protein, like Purina® Flock Raiser®Crumbles. Transition layer chicks onto a higher-calcium complete feed, like Purina® Layena® Crumbles or Pellets, when they begin laying eggs at age 18 to 20 weeks.”
Free Small Flock Poultry Winter Webinar Series
Health Problems With the Digestive System of Poultry: Tuesday, January 6, 2:00 pm EST
As the first in a four part webinar series on poultry health, Dr. Frame will start this webinar with an introduction to chicken health programs. The remainder of the webinar with discuss problems with the digestive system. The digestive system of poultry is exposed to a variety of pathogens on a daily basis. Dr. Frame will be discussing how some of these digestive-related diseases are manifested in poultry
Salmonella and Backyard Poultry Flocks: Tuesday, January 13, 3:00 pm EST
The summer of 2014 saw many cases of Salmonellosis traced back to backyard poultry flocks – see CDC website: Dr. Colin Basler of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention will be speaking about preventing salmonellosis while maintaining a backyard poultry flock.
Quality of Eggs from Different Production Systems: Wednesday, January 14, 11:00 am EST
When it comes to buying eggs for your family there are many different types to chose from – conventional, brown, white, green, free-range, cage-free, omega-3 enriched, pasture-raised. What are the differences between these eggs? Why do some cost more than others? Which type of eggs would you like to produce for sale. Dr. Jacquie Jacob from the University of Kentucky will be discussing this nutritious topic. Dr. Jacob is a poultry extension project manager with a heavy focus on small and backyard poultry flocks.
Health Problems with the Respiratory System of Poultry: Tuesday, February 3, 2:00 pm EST
The avian respiratory system of birds is very different from that of mammals with a rigid lung, air sacs and extends into the bones (Pneumatic bones). This is the second in a poultry-related health series looking at health problems associated with the poultry respiratory system.
Participation is free and brought to you by but requires a high speed internet connection. To participate, simply click on the link and enter the virtual meeting room as a guest. You will be asked to type in your name. You may want to attempt to join 5-10 minutes in advance of the start time in case you need to download an abode connect add in or update your software. These webinars are also recorded and made available through the website when you click on the small flock resource area.
Free Small Flock Poultry Webinar- December 10
Feeds and Feeding of Pullets and Layers: Wednesday December 10, 11 am EST
Feed represents over 70% of the production costs in an egg production operation. Dr. Paul Patterson from Penn State University will be discussing the feeding of replacement pullets and laying hens. Dr. Patterson is a nutritionist. The central theme of his extension and research programs is environmental poultry management. Efforts focus on discovering and promoting efficient poultry production systems that place minimum burden on the environment.
Participation is free and brought to you by but requires a high speed internet connection. To participate, simply click on the link and enter the virtual meeting room as a guest. You will be asked to type in your name. You may want to attempt to join 5-10 minutes in advance of the start time in case you need to download an abode connect add in or update your software. These webinars are also recorded and made available through the website when you click on the small flock resource area.
Winter Care for Poultry
Winter care of backyard poultry flocks
Thursday, September 25 at 7:00 pm EDT
Fall is the time to prepare your flocks and coops for the toils of winter. Dr. Brigid McCrea from Delaware State University will cover the activities that are recommended for such preparations. Whether this is your first or fortieth flock, take the time to learn about changes to your management and biosecurity routines so that your flock stays happy and healthy all winter long.
Poultry Workshop
Small Poultry Flock Education Series
What: Small Flock Workshop
When: Saturday, September 20, 2014
Where: University of Delaware, Webb Farm
508 S. Chapel St., Newark, DE
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Want to learn more about starting up a small flock or get information on nutrition and feeding of your current flock. Then, come to our Small Flock Education Workshop on September 13. We’ll have experts form the University of Delaware, Delaware State University and Maryland Cooperative Extension on hand to provide information and answers to your questions.
The meeting is free and everyone interested in attending is welcome. If you have special needs in accessing this program, please call the office two weeks in advance.
To register or request more information, please call our office at (302)831-2506.
Thank you and see you there. Dan Severson
9:00-9:10 AM Opening Remarks and Introductions—Mr. Dan Severson
9:10-10:00 AM Getting Started with Poultry—Dr. Brigid McCrea
10:00-10:30 AM Biosecurity—Mrs. Jenny Rhodes
10:30-10:40 AM Break
10:40-11:20 AM Nutrition and Feeding—Dr. John Moyle
11:20-12:00 AM Chicken Breed Identification—Dr. Brigid McCrea
12:00-12:15 PM Break
12:15-12:30 PM Egg-citing Information—Dr. Jon Moyle
12:30-12:45 PM Mites and Lice in Poultry—Dr. Brigid McCrea
12:45-1:00 PM Why do you like to keep chickens? Survey