Vegetarians Eat Meat

From Dairy Herd Management

Lighter Side: 1 in 3 vegetarians eat meat when drunk

“One tequila, two tequila, three tequila… screw it, give me a bacon cheeseburger.”

In a poll conducted by VoucherCodesPro in the U.K., a third of the vegetarians surveyed fessed up to eating meat after overindulging in alcohol, with 63 percent holding strong to their diet after knocking back a few.

Here’s a breakdown of information from the weak 37 percent of 1,789 vegetarian Brits who participated in the survey:

  • 34 percent admitted to breaking their meat-free diet every time they get drunk
  • 26 percent said they ate meat “fairly often” after drinking
  • 22 percent said they “rarely” ate meat when drinking
  • 18 percent “occasionally” broke diet when drunk

“Let me just quote the late, great, Colonel Sanders. He said, “I’m too drunk to taste this chicken.”’ – Ricky Bobby

But if you’re a vegetarian who suddenly gets a hankering for meat after poppin’ bottles all night, what will be your food of choice? For those surveyed:

  • 39 percent – Kebab meat
  • 34 percent – Burgers
  • 27 percent – Bacon
  • 19 percent – Fried Chicken
  • 14 percent – Pork Sausage

And finally, of the 37 percent with the meat munchies, a whopping 69 percent kept their affairs in the closet, with only 31 percent sharing their weakness with others.

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