MPP Deadline Extesnsion

USDA extends MPP-Dairy enrollment deadline

By Dave NatzkeSeptember 22, 2015 | 11:40 am EDT


USDA extended the deadline to enroll in the 2016 Margin Protection Program for Dairy (MPP-Dairy) until Nov. 20. And, farmers who already enrolled for 2016 margin coverage may change coverage levels up until the new deadline, according to the National Milk Producer Federation (NMPF).

Read also: NMPF cheers Dairy Margin Protection Program extension

MPP-Dairy, established by the 2014 Farm Bill, allows dairy farmers to purchase income insurance on margins – the difference between the price of milk and feed costs. Enrollment for 2016 was scheduled to end Sept. 30.

However, in a letter to Vilsack on Sept. 15, NMPF had asked for the two-month extension, citing the busy fall harvest season.

“The fall harvest is a busy time of the year for agriculture, so this extension will ensure that dairy producers have more time to make their choices,” said Vilsack. “We encourage all operations to examine the protections offered by this program, because despite the very best forecasts, markets can change.”


LGM-Dairy, MPP-Dairy

Dairy farmers are reminded they may participate in only one USDA dairy margin insurance program. Dairy farmers electing coverage under the USDA Risk Management Agency’s Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy (LGM-Dairy) for any month in 2016 may not participate in MPP-Dairy during the year.

Vilsack encouraged producers to use the USDA’s Farm Agency Service (FSA) online Web resource at to calculate the best levels of coverage for their dairy operation. The secure website can be accessed via computer, smartphone or tablet.

Vilsack also reminded farmers enrolled in 2015 that they must make a coverage election for 2016 and pay the $100 administration fee.

Although any unpaid premium balances for 2015 must be paid in full by the enrollment deadline to remain eligible for higher coverage levels in 2016, premiums for 2016 are not due until Sept. 1, 2016. Also, producers can work with milk marketing companies to remit premiums on their behalf.

To enroll in the Margin Protection Program for Dairy, contact your local FSA county office. To find your local FSA county office, visit

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