Del. FB speaks up on HSUS tail docking bill
Radical animal rights group backed bill to criminalize farming technique
DOVER, Del. — H.B.189 Dairy Cattle Tail Docking legislation was pre-filed on June 16 at 12:25 p.m. and assigned to the Judiciary Committee. Within 24 hours the bill was placed on the committee agenda to be considered on June 17 at 1 p.m.
The main sponsor of the bill, State Rep. Andria Bennett, D-District 32, was asked by chairman, Representative Mitchell, if a constituent asked her to introduce the legislation. She said no, she considered it an animal welfare issue. Agriculture Secretary Ed Kee opposed the legislation and asked a lobbyist testifying in support of the bill who she was representing and she replied the Humane Society. Kee asked her to clarify, was it the Delaware Humane Society and she finally admitted she represents HSUS.
DFB Executive Director, Pamela Bakerian also testified opposing the legislation and asked the committee to table the bill. The following letter was distributed to the committee members as well as this document titled “Why So Many Farmers Dock Tails.”
On May 6, two dairy farmers visited the House Chamber to celebrate HCR Proclaiming June 2015 “Delaware Dairy Month.” Ice cream was served in the chamber celebrating the importance of dairy farms and creameries in Delaware.
Imagine how shocked the farm community was to learn H.B. 189 was introduced on June 16 and placed in committee on June 17 creating “Tail Docking” a class A misdemeanor. A farmer could be sentenced up to 1 year incarceration at level V and a fined $2,300.
Although the bill was tabled, HSUS will aggressively pursue the passage of this legislation. Delaware Farm Bureau will also aggressively oppose this legislation and expose the truth — HSUS is a huge lobbying organization with a mission to abolish animal agriculture and eliminate meat, dairy and eggs from the dinner table.
Additionally, HSUS is a radical animal rights organization that is NOT affiliated with local animal shelters. It uses it’s more than $100 million budget to threaten America’s hardworking farmers and ranchers.
Please call you state Senator and Representative NOW and tell them how outraged you are about this bill. This is HSUS’s third attempt to introduce legislation to eliminate an agricultural practice. The first attempt was to increase the size of layer cages, the second was eliminating farrowing crates and now they are attempting to criminalize tail docking.
Delaware Farm Bureau is the largest farm organization in the state — the Voice of Agriculture. Please let your voice be heard.
— Delaware Farm Bureau