Professor Walker teaches a range of courses offered in the Physics and Astronomy Department. These include Phys 201 – Introductory Physics I, a beginners course on classical mechanics, and Phys 626 – Introduction to Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, a graduate level course on atomic and molecular systems along with related modern topics. More information on either can be found below. Undergraduate students who wish to sign up for research with Professor Walker can do so in PHYS 468, these credits count as upper division PHYS credits toward graduation.

Contact: Use email only when attached documentation is required, such as an excused absence form for performing in a UD athletic event. Otherwise, for the fastest response, use txt or call to 302-740-0257. Be sure the introduce yourself as a student in the text or call with your first and last name.


The physics of life in motion, in four topics … Section is open to all majors but will use applications in class relevant to biochemistry, chemistry, and medicine.

Faculty Barry Walker
Laboratory Assistants Subash Adhikari
Riddhi Bandyopadhyay
Hang Chen 
Samuel Fordin
Aling Jing 
Atta Rehman 
John Russo
Discussion Assistants Shoaib Khalid
Faculty Email M-F 48 hr response. ONLY to be used for issues requiring documentation including: officially excused absences and HW corrections as email attachments.
Faculty Call/txt Su-F 12 hr response. To be used to make last minute appointments and for emergencies (such as missing a test).
Faculty Office Hours T,R 2 PM to 6PM SHL206 or Physics Library SHL221. Usually able to schedule within 30 minutes either after class or by call/txt. For all issues related to the course and subject material.
Text Book Physics, by James Walker, 3rd, 4th, or 5th edition ('regular' or 'technology updated' release)
Online HW Online access to Mastering Physics publisher Addison / Wesley
Mastering Physics for HW. The course ID is BWALK2017
Computer Sakai for course website, grades, announcements
UDeploy to get a copy of Mathematica
Mathematica is allowed (but not required) on part of the test.
Four Topics 1) Physical Quantification
2) Motion
3) Conservation
4) Applications … aka, 'situations'
Math Prerequisites Trigonometry, Geometry, Algebra

Course Information

Lectures PHYS 201 010 begin 8/29/2017 TR 9:30AM – 10:45AM
Special video lectures will be planned with an "All Questions" voluntary session in place of normal class. These will be included as the schedule and class vote allows: three to six this semester.

Homework The HW will use the Mastering Physics Online site for the course ID: BWALK2017
Final HW grade on SAKAI two weeks after due date. Grade entered by discussion TA.

Laboratory Graded by laboratory TA. Laboratory manuals will be available on Sakai. Labs will be done by groups of two students.

Group lab reports will be submitted within two days of the lab experiment. Labs are limited to 5 pages maximum (10 pt font minimum, single spaced minimum). Labs are submitted in the format decided by the laboratory TA. For 5% EXTRA CREDIT on the laboratory grade, you may submit 8 of the 10 labs in the required 5 page format as a PDF to SAKAI online electronically under ASSIGNMENTS.

The final grade is in SAKAI one week after due. Do not skip labs since each lab is worth about the difference between grade assignments (e.g. C to a C-). The total Lab Grade counts for 15% of the total course grade. Lab grades cannot be transferred from a previous attempt at this course. A detailed grading rubric will be returned for each lab when they are graded.

If plagiarism is discovered between groups or from online content, all individuals in the group(s) will be reported to student conduct. Grade inflation or favoritism between sections is not tolerated. The average laboratory grade is expected to be consistent with the overall course grade and between sections.

All students may drop (or miss) one lab. Make-up of more than one lab requires an official excused absence.

Lab Grading (Approximate Distribution with final grading rubric determined for each lab by the TA)
Title   Title of the lab.
Purpose ~2 points Mention the specific purpose(s) of doing the lab.
Procedure ~6 points Describe how the lab is done. Explain the theory behind the lab and relevant formulas.
Result and Discussion ~9 points The most important section. Include measurements, error graphs, and you must discuss the results. Label with appropriate physical quantities, SI units, scale, slope, legends, etc. Sample calculations can be included with appropriate equations and measurements.
Conclusion ~3 points Show ability to conclude the few physical
concepts from measured values. Mention what new theory (calculation) or experimental skills gained.
Lab Schedule
Sept 4 Lab 1 – Introduction to Measurement (CH 1)
Sept 11 Lab 2 – One Dimensional Kinematics (CH 2)
Sept 18 Lab 3 – Free Fall (CH 2, 3, 5)
Sept 25 NO LAB – Exam
Oct 2 Lab 4 – Vectors (CH 1, 3)
Oct 9 Lab 5 – Projectile Motion (CH 4)
Oct 16 Lab 6 – Coefficient of Friction (CH 6)
Oct 23 NO LAB – Exam
Oct 30 Lab 7 – Conservation of Mechanical Energy (CH 7, 8)
Nov 6 Lab 8 – Moment of Inertia (CH 10)
Nov13 Lab 9 – Biomechanics of Torques in Equilibrium (CH 11)
Nov 20 NO LAB – Break
Nov 27 Lab 10 – Oscillatory Motion (CH 13, 14)
Dec 4 MAKE-UP For official excused absence labs 1 – 10

Discussion and Quizzes

Begin Sept 5, 2017. Required, Quizzes will be given during the discussion after HW is due. The one question quiz is taken from completed HW. Graded by the Discussion Grader TA out of 3 points. Final grade in SAKAI one week after quiz given, entered by Discussion Grader TA.


Graded by Barry Walker. Mid-Terms will have 20 points maximum for a 100%. The mid-terms are in the evening. Final is cumulative over all topics.


Section 010 Grading
20 % / Homework Assignments

See Mastering Physics website for grading and due date

20 % / Laboratories

Turned in at Following Lab

10 % / In-Class Assignments and Clickers

In class

10 % / Quizzes over Homework

In discussion

25 % / Three Mid-Term Exams Thur Sept 28, 2017 5:00 PM to 2:00 AM jk 😉
Thur Oct 26, 2017 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Nov-ish (Take-Home)
15 % / Cumulative Final Exam

See UD 'Finals Schedule'

Letter Assignments A>94%, A->90, B+ >87, B>84%, B->80%, C+ >77, C >74%, C->70, D+>67, D>64%, D->60
Since all assignments and tests are not equal, 5% curving of the final grade distribution is discretionary.
Instructor / TA / Discussion Evaluations

At end of semester. Comments are always welcome.

Grade Resolution Discussion Quizzes see Discussion TA
Laboratories see Lab TA
Homework Issues and Test corrections see Barry
Student code See 82 pages of Rules and Responsibilities at U.Del.

Reading Assignments

I) Quantification Chapters 1,2,3,4
Descriptions in 3D-Time Space, Dimensions, Measurement, Vectors.

Aug 29-Sept 21

2) Forces Chapters 5,6,7
Laws of motion, Forces, Acceleration, Velocity, Position

Sept 21 – Oct 19

3) Conservation Laws …more precisely laws that have never been violated -> as far as we know. Chapters 8,9,10,11
Conservation of Energy, Linear Momentum, Angular Momentum

Oct 19 – Nov 16

4) Applications Partial Chapters 12,13,14,15
Gravity, Oscillation, Sound, Fluids
Nov 28 – end of course


Introduction to fundamental atomic and molecular systems with emphasis on research implementation and modern perspectives.


Barry Walker


Assigned in class and also on Sakai


Take home and final

Special Topic

Write-up with oral defense.

Faculty Office hours

by appointment

Suggested Text Books

Physics of Atoms and Molecules, Bransden and Joachain, 2nd edition, publisher Prentice HallAtoms, Molecules, and Photons: An introduction to Atomic-, Molecular-, and Quantum-Physics, Demtroder, publisher Springer

Atomic Physics: An exploration through problems and solutions, Budker, Kimball, DeMille, publisher Oxford

Required Program

Mathematica 11.0


Bohr, Sommerfeld, and the Classical AtomQuantum Atom and Operations

Modern and Advanced Topics


40 % / Homework Assignments

See website for grading and due date

20 % / Special Project

Written Component and Oral Defense (20 min.)

20 % / Mid-Term Exam


20 % / Cumulative Final Exam

See UD 'Finals Schedule'

Letter Assignments

A>93%, A->90, B+ >87, B>83%, B->80%, C+ >77, C >73%, C->70, D+>67, D>63%, D->60Since all assignments and tests are not equal, 5% curving of the final grade distribution is discretionary.

Student code See Rules and Responsibilities at U.Del


Bohr, Sommerfeld, and the Classical Atom

Historical Understanding of Atom

Experimental Evidence for Atom

Blackbody Radiation


Nuclear Structure and Scattering

Rydberg Formula and Transitions

Reduced Mass, Isotope Effects

Bohr Atom from Rydberg

Sommerfeld Quantization

Quantum Numbers in Molecular Rotation

Relativistic Rotation of Bohr Orbits

X-ray Spectra

Magnetic Moments in Atoms

Atoms in B Fields, Zeeman Effect

Pashen-Bach Effect

Term Assignment for Electrons in Atom

Spin Orbit Effect

Lande Factor for Magnetic Moments

`One-Electron' Alkali Atoms

Two-Electrons, Helium

Atoms in Electric Fields, Stark Effect

Hyper-fine, Nuclear-Electron Interactions

Quantum Defect, Nucleus `Z' Shielding

Autoionization, highly excited species

Triplet Structure in Atoms

Vibration Structure in Molecules

Quantum Atom and Operations

Quantum Language for Atoms

Two-electron wave-functions

Pauli exclusion principle

Ground State Quantum Description of Z=14 Phosphorus

Evaluation of singlet and triplet state electron correlation energy fine structure

Quantum Operator and Expectation Value Refresher

Quantum Evaluation of Bound Electron Waves (Hydrogen)

Evaluation of u*B interaction for hyperfine nucleus-electron interaction

Evaluation of total u*B interaction fine and hyperfine structure

Modern and Advanced Topics


Molecular Rotations

Hydrogen States

Molecular States

Introduction to undergraduate research on an assigned problem carried out under supervision of the faculty.
PhD and Masters Student Supervised Research




Physical Optics : Intermediate level undergraduate course open to all majors and degree programs. Course addresses issues in physics, engineering, mathematics, computer science, and applications of optics.


Faculty Barry Walker, 302-740-0257,
Laboratory Assistant Saurabh Lamsal
Discussion Assistants Honors discussion will involve experience in the Light-Matter Interactions Research.
Faculty Email M-F 48 hr response. ONLY to be used for issues requiring documentation, e.g. officially excused absences as email attachments.
Faculty Call/Txt Su-F 12 hr response. To be used to make appointments and for emergencies (such as missing a test).
Faculty Office Hours By appointment (see above) on M 1:35 PM to 3:00 PM in SHL014. For all issues related to the course and subject material.
Text Book

Physics of Light and Optics, by Justin Peatross and James Ware. 2015 edition.
Note: This is FREE!   /(*o*)/  Download it at the following link:

HW Posted to Canvas. A mix from the text, lecture, and instructor.
Computer Canvas for course website, grades, announcements
UDeploy to get a copy of Mathematica
Mathematica is allowed (but not required) on part of the test.

1) Analytical Description of Light
2) Light Interacting with Matter
3) Light as a Ray, Classical Optics
4) Light as a Wave, Physical Optics
5) Properties and Applications of Light (as time allows) 

Math Prerequisites Trigonometry, Geometry, Algebra, Calculus, Simple Programming


Course Information


Lectures PHYS 313 begin 2/05/2022 in SHL107. The course is taught in a hybrid format. M and F are required in person 12:40PM – 1:35PM in SHL107. W will be online videos at the shared Google site that can be viewed at your convenience. The videos are available for the whole semester as needed for recall.

Quiz, Test, Final Format All testing is done in an open format. Students have unlimited access to material resources during testing including but not limited to: notes, textbooks, electronic files, computers, computer programs, AI, and lecture videos. NOTE: The work of another student also in the test cannot be used; plagiarism in  testing will be counted as academic dishonesty and the recommendation to student conduct will be a failing grade in the class. 

Laboratory Graded by laboratory supervisor. Laboratory manuals will be available on Canvas. Labs will be done by groups of two students.

Lab Schedule
 2-12 Lab 1 - 
 2-19 Lab 2 - 
 2-26 Lab 3 - 
 3-4 Lab 4 - 
 3-11 Lab 5 - 
 3-18 Lab 6 - 
 4-1 Lab 7 - 
 4-8 Lab 8 - 
 4-15 Lab 9 - 
 4-22 Lab 10 - 
 4-29 Lab 11 - 
 5-6 Make Up Lab 



Quizzes will be given during the lecture as needed. The brief quiz is taken from the lecture and may not be announced. Final grade in Canvas one week after quiz given.



Graded by Barry Walker. Mid-Terms will have typically 20 points maximum for a 100%. The final is cumulative over all topics.




10 % / Homework Assignments

See Canvas website for grading and due date

25 % / Laboratories

Turned in at Following Lab

15 % / In-Class Quizzes

In class / one missed quiz allowed without official excuse.

35 % / Three Mid-Term Exams Topic I &II, Topic III, Topic IV
15 % / Cumulative Final Exam

See UD 'Finals Schedule'

Letter Assignments A>94%, A->90, B+ >87, B>84%, B->80%, C+ >77, C >74%, C->70, D+>67, D>64%, D->60
Since all assignments and tests are not equal, 5% curving of the final grade distribution is discretionary.
Instructor / TA / Discussion Evaluations

At end of semester.

Grade Resolution Laboratories see Lab TA
Homework Issues and Test corrections see Barry
Student code See Rules and Responsibilities at U.Del.


Reading Assignments


1) Analytical Description of Light Chapters 0,1 Feb 5 -
2) Light Interacting with Matter Chapters 2,3 Mid Feb
3) Light as a Ray, Classical Optics Chapter 9 Mid March
4) Light as a Wave, Physical Optics Chapter 10 April
5) Properties and Applications of Light (as time allows) Chapter 12 April-May



Graduate E&M: Advanced level graduate course open to all majors and degree programs.

Faculty Barry Walker
Faculty Email M-F 48 hr response. ONLY to be used for issues requiring documentation, e.g. officially excused absences as email attachments.
Faculty Call/Txt Su-F 24 hr response. To be used to make last minute appointments and for emergencies (such as missing a test).
Faculty Office Hours By appointment MW 2 PM SHL206 or SHL014. For all issues related to the course and subject material.
Text Book Modern Electrodynamics, by Andrew Zangwill
HW Posted to Canvas. A mix from the text, lecture, and instructor.
Computer Canvas for course website, grades, announcements
UDeploy to get a copy of Mathematica
Mathematica is allowed (but not required) on tests.
Topics 1) Mathmatical / Review (Ch 1-2)
2) Maxwell's Equations (Ch 3-4)
3) Electrostatics in Vacuum and Matter (Ch 5-7 some 8) 
4) Optics (Ch 16-17)

Additional Information:

Quizzes: Quizzes will be given during the lecture. The one question quiz is taken from the lecture. Final grade in Canvas one week after quiz given.

Tests: Graded by Barry Walker. Mid-Terms will have 20 points maximum for a 100%. The mid-terms are in class. The final is cumulative over all topics.

Section 010 Grading .
Homework Assignments Graded on Participation
In-Class Quizzes In class / one missed quiz allowed without official excuse.
Four Mid-Term Exams Dates TBD
Cumulative Final Exam See UD 'Finals Schedule'
Letter Assignments A> 92%, A- >88%, B+ >84%, B>80%%, B->76%, C+ >72%, C >68%, C->64%, D+>60%, D>56%, D->52%
Since all assignments and tests are not equal, 5% curving of the final grade distribution is discretionary.
Instructor / TA / Discussion Evaluations At end of semester. Comments are always welcome.
Student code See 82 pages of Rules and Responsibilities at U.Del.



Undergraduate E&M: Advanced level undergraduate course open to all majors and degree programs.

Faculty Barry Walker
Faculty Email, M-R 48 hr response. ONLY to be used for issues requiring documentation, e.g. officially excused absences as email attachments.
Faculty Call/Txt 302-740-0257, Su-R 24 hr response. To be used to make last minute appointments and for emergencies (such as missing a test).
Faculty Office Hours By appointment MW 2:45 PM, SHL014. For all issues related to the course and subject material.
Hybrid Class Format MW in-person Harker ISE Lab Room 222, F online, asynchronous with videos posted to Google Folder (see Canvas)
Instruction and Testing The course will be a mix of traditional analytical methods used before this advent of the computer and modern computational methods using high-level (interpretive) computer language. All evaluation (including tests, quizzes and homework) are 100% open format. All course resources, internet content, and AI tools are allowed. The only restriction is no in-person help, whether from a classmate or remote individual. Unless explicitly directed by the instructor to engage in supervised group work, students who use work with or seek assistance from other students or individuals outside the course will be referred to Student Conduct.
Text Book Introduction to Electrodynamics, by David Jeffrey Griffiths
HW Posted to Canvas. A mix from the text, lecture, and instructor.
Computer Canvas for course website, grades, announcements
UDeploy to get a copy of Mathematica
Mathematica is allowed (but not required) on tests.

1) Mathematical / Review (Ch 1)
2) Maxwell's Equations (Ch 7)
3) Electrostatics (Ch 2-3)
4) Electrostatics in Matter (Ch 4) 
5) Magnetostatics and Magnetic Fields in Matter (Ch 5-6)

Additional Information:

Quizzes: Quizzes will be given during the lecture. The one question quiz is taken from the lecture. Final grade in Canvas one week after quiz given.

Tests: Graded by Barry Walker. Mid-Terms will have 20 points maximum for a 100%. The mid-terms are in class. The final is cumulative over all topics.

Section 010 Grading .
Homework Assignments Graded on Participation
In-Class Quizzes In class / one missed quiz allowed without official excuse.
Three Mid-Term Exams Dates TBD
Cumulative Final Exam See UD 'Finals Schedule'
Letter Assignments A> 92%, A- >88%, B+ >84%, B>80%%, B->76%, C+ >72%, C >68%, C->64%, D+>60%, D>56%, D->52%
Since all assignments and tests are not equal, 5% curving of the final grade distribution is discretionary.
Instructor / TA / Discussion Evaluations At end of semester. Comments are always welcome.
Student code See 82 pages of Rules and Responsibilities at U.Del.


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