What is Personal Leadership?

An often used phrase, “You Do You,” encourages individuals to take care of themselves: their own needs, interests, and desires. To march to their own drum. While a sole focus on “you” may invite narcissism and can limit one’s ability to interact with others effectively, it is important that leaders take time to learn about themselves and grow individually before they can effectively lead others and help others grow.


Reflection on one’s personal leadership style, strengths, weaknesses, and current status within each of the elements of personal leadership can give leaders the focus they need to reach personal, professional, and organizational success. Focusing on awareness and opportunities for growth within personal leadership elements can also allow leaders to best support the teams and individuals they are responsible to lead. In the words of Maya Angelou, “You can’t really know where you are going until you know where you have been.” I would add, “and where you are.” Leaders who focus on personal leadership development become leaders who are equipped to successfully develop those they lead.


Join me as I begin to explore the elements of personal leadership, tools for assessing current individual status within these elements, and ways to grow and become better leaders for those we serve.


~ ATraversDE


Drop a comment here letting me know an area of personal leadership you’d like us to first explore!