Undergraduate Concerns
Work with undergraduates to move forward anti-racism education, training, and programming to affect campus culture and climate change.
- Develop and share recommendations to Academic and Student Life areas ways of supporting Black and Indigenous
- Develop strategies to center anti-racism and BIPOC students in student experiences (i.e. programs, events, services, etc.)
- Expand and enhance undergraduate student anti-racism competency
- Developing tangible ways the UD administration can begin to prioritize making UD an anti-racist campus
- Providing ways we can engage RSOs to educate members about the need to encourage an inclusive environment, and lastly
Co-chair: Adam Cantley (Dean of Students, Student Life)
Co-chair: Stephanie Chang (Student Diversity & Inclusion, Student Life)
- Keri Edwards (Africana Studies/Political Science, Undergraduate Student)
- Nathan Elton (Career Services Center)
- Samuel Kowalchick (History Education, Undergraduate Student)
- Kristine Ritz (Education & Human Development, Office of Dean)