2024 Mid-Atlantic Crop School

November 19 – 21, 2024
Princess Royale in Ocean City, MD

Registration for the Mid-Atlantic Crop Management School will open in September 2024.


The Mid-Atlantic Crop Management School is held every November the week before Thanksgiving. This 2.5 day workshop has five classrooms supporting continuing education in Crop, Pest and Nutrient Management as well as Soil & Water. This school is organized by Cooperative Extension from the University of Delaware, University of Maryland, Virginia Tech and West Virginia University. Other support comes from Mid-Atlantic State Agricultural Departments and the Natural Resources Conservation Service.

You can find past schedules on the Nutrient Management pagehttp://extension.udel.edu/ag/nutrient-management/crop-school/
Recorded talks can be found on our YouTube pagehttps://www.youtube.com/c/midatlanticcropschool
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