Delaware Agronomy Blog

University of Delaware Cooperative Extension

Category: Programs (page 5 of 9)

Types of Drones for Field Crop Production

If you have been interested in purchasing a drone, or wondering about different types and cameras, we have a new fact sheet. You can download it here:

Corn Tissue Samples and Critical Nutrient Concentrations

Jarrod Miller, Amy Shober, Phillip Sylvester

In the summer of 2018, we sampled tissue and soil samples from University of Maryland (Salisbury, Clarksville, Keedysville) and University of Delaware (Georgetown, Marydel) corn variety trials. The goal of the project was to observe whether corn tissue samples across the region were above critical nutrient contents as described by past literature. Two varieties each from the early, middle, and late maturity groups were sampled at each site.

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Delaware Hybrid Field Corn Performance Trials

The Delaware Hybrid Field Corn Performance trials have been posted online.

The 2018 Delaware hybrid field corn trials were conducted jointly by the University of Delaware’s Agricultural Experiment Station and the Delaware Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Forty hybrids were evaluated at fourlocations: Emerson Farms at Middletown, DE (dryland), Thomas Family Farms at Marydel, DE (center pivot irrigation), Plum Creek Farms, LLC at Laurel, DE (center pivot irrigation) and Davis Farms at Georgetown, DE (center pivot irrigation). Hybrids were divided into three relative maturity groups; early 101-110 (15 entries), early-medium 111-114 (20 entries) and medium 115-120 days (5 entries). The hybrids tested are being sold for commercial planting or are on a clear track for commercial planting (e.g. within one or two years of access to farmers). Plans and rules for entering these trials are available upon request.


2018 Mid Atlantic Crop School YouTube Page

We have already started uploading this years talks to our YouTube page. Watch this page over the next few weeks, and if we got a quality recording we will get them posted (


Some talks already available include ones on Malting Barley, Double Crop Beans, and Tillage Decisions.

2018 Mid Atlantic Crop School Registration

Mid Atlantic Crop School Registration Now Open

The Mid Atlantic Crop Management School provides 2.5 days of workshops and seminars for certified crop advisors and other ag professionals. This year’s crop school will be on November 13-15, 2018 at the Princess Royale in Ocean City, MD.

To see the program or register please visit: Crop 18 Registration


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