Whether or not you need micronutrients in your starter should come down to last years soil or tissue tests. Over the last two years, our research projects have not revealed a deficiency in many micronutrients, but we still understand it is out there. In 2018, we conducted a study at the Carvel Research and Education Center (Georgetown, DE) with two rates of (Mn), zinc (Zn), and boron (B) in the starter. We observed no effect on yield, which was expected as these soils were adequate in Mn and Zn based on UD recommendations. Although starter B had no effect on yield, B did have a positive correlation with yield in the starter study. This implies that with increase tissue B concentrations, yield also increased. Correlations imply relationships, but not necessarily why this occurred. An environmental variable may have influenced both B uptake and yield in this case, such as saturated soils leaching B while reducing yield. Continue reading