Quick summary: There was no boost in yield or tissue N from Pivot-Bio additions, however we did observe higher levels of Mn in corn ear leaves with the biofertilizer. Yield may have been limited by something other than N.
To examine Nitrogen (N) contributions from biological fertilizer amendments, Pivot-Bio was added across a range of N-rates (0-330 lbs/acre) in the spring of 2023. The irrigated plots were harvested in October where yields ranged from 50 to 200 bushels per acre (Figure 1). The only statistical difference in yield was 0 N with pivot bio, which was lower than all other treatments. A dry cool May potentially reduced N availability in 2023, and heavy rainfalls and field saturation may have also limited yields. Drone imagery taken during the season will be analyzed at a later date to determine when yield may have become limited.