PI: Michael Crossley

  • 2011 BS Entomology, University of Wisconsin
  • 2014 MS Entomology, University of Wisconsin
  • 2019 PhD Entomology & GIS, University of Wisconsin
  • 2019-2021 Postdoc, University of Georgia
  • 2021-present Assistant Professor / Agricultural Entomologist, University of Delaware

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I am motivated by two big questions: How do we feed people without sanitizing the biosphere? Why do some things become major pests while others do not? I am in awe of the creatures living in environments around me, deeply value connection with people and the diversity of their life experiences, and am committed to persevering when things get tough. I desire to do research that is novel and fundamentally interesting, while also providing practical solutions to insect issues affecting the farms in my region.


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