Mandela Washington Fellowship

at the University of Delaware

Category: Senegal

Once a Blue Hen, Always a Blue Hen!

All good things come to an end. Journeys will always take you to some destination, a desired position or a vision. The trip to Washington D.C. for the 2019 Africa Business Forum has brought the Mandela Fellows back in the realm of vision. Only this time, the vision was beyond individual, but the Africa we […]

Leaders: Born or Made?

Week 6! As we are approaching the end of our stay at the University of Delaware, all Fellows unanimously agree this journey has been transformative. It’s the beginning of another chapter of the book that we are all writing in our own way, “Improving our community.” As Mandela famously said “Vision without action is just […]

Beautiful Surprise

Will you play the song “Beautiful Surprise” when a person whom you love so much and care about was in a hospital and about to pass away? Probably not because you will be feeling like you are the most unlucky and unhappy human being in the world. Human beings have different ways of seeing the […]

My YALI Journey: The Era of Change

As we go through life we will see, there is someone that we don’t understand. Being a part of the Mandela Washington Fellowship is for me a great opportunity to learn, to inspire, to engage and influence people who surround me and vice versa. Today, June 28 2017, is my 13th day in the USA, precisely […]