Farmers’ Market, University of Sydney, and White Rabbit

Submitted by Navleen Kaur on the 2024 Spring program in Sydney, Australia…

This week I have been busy with schoolwork, but I did carve out some time for exploration. On Saturday, I visited the famous Carriageworks Farmers’ Market which is open each Saturday from 8 am-1 pm. I found there to be an assortment of baked goods, fresh produce, tea bags, juices, and more for people to purchase. I found it lovely how many people were there with their families and pets. After purchasing a snack or an item from the vendors, many people settled down on the benches and tables for conversation and relaxation. Next, I toured the University of Sydney. My favorite buildings were the sandstone buildings in the Quadrangle. I found the University of Sydney campus to be similar to many colleges in the US. Besides the sandstone buildings in the Quadrangle, most of the buildings were modern made from glass and steel. After walking around the campus, my last stop of the day was visiting White Rabbit Gallery which is a Chinese contemporary art gallery. I had an amazing time absorbing the information on all three floors. My favorite part of the art gallery was the six television screens on the second floor. Each screen displayed different scenes of rural China that the photographer had taken on a train ride. The fast-moving images served as a backdrop to the thirty-second stories many narrators were telling about their lives, struggles, and joys in China. I learned a lot about what worries people in China today and what is on people’s minds. I thought this art gallery was very well put together and I would highly recommend it to anyone visiting Sydney! (Submitted on January 27, 2024) 

Week 2 in Sydney

Submitted by Hannah Scheck on the 2024 Spring program in Sydney, Australia…

I am on my second week here and a lot has been accomplished! I have settled into my apartment, settled into classes and a routine, and am loving every second of my new neighborhood. Exploring Darling Harbour is one of my favorite after class activities. I made my way to Bondi Beach for a daytrip, was able to taste their Middle Eastern cuisine, and see a beautiful sunset over the clearest water. I embarked on a historical walking tour of Sydney, saw the bridge and Opera House, and enjoyed some Egyptian food from a stand at the weekend market at The Rocks. I enjoyed a trip to the zoo, seeing animals such as: echidnas (an animal I have dreamed of seeing since I was 8), kangaroos, wallabies, emus, koalas, snakes, lizards, and meerkats! We learned about the local nature, how to crack whips, how to throw boomerangs, and we got to hear a first hand account about how Walkabout Wildlife Sanctuary survived through many hardships. Everyday here I am having new experiences and learning more about this beautiful country. (Submitted on January 25, 2024) 

Surfs Up! In Sydney

Submitted by Jake Kalinowski on the 2024 Spring program in Sydney, Australia…

I am thrilled to be studying in Sydney, Australia for the spring 2024 semester! I am loving it already, as it is so easy to adjust to the warm weather and relaxed environment. All of the people are so friendly. My team at CEA CAPA, where I am taking my courses, have been so welcoming. 

Something I have picked up on very quickly, only being here one week, is the surf culture. Out of 25 million Australians, approximately 2.5 million Australians surf. The surf culture is similar to the United States in that of the Eastern and Western coasts of America. In Australia, tons of locals flock to the beaches up and down the coast to catch a wave. 

On my first day here, after orientation, I went with some friends to Bondi Beach which is one of Australia’s most famous beaches (though it’s not as popular with the locals). It was beautiful. I saw loads of surfers riding the waves and something that stood out to me was there was an Australian lifeguard shouting into a megaphone every couple of minutes letting the surfers know that the water is dangerous and if they aren’t a strong swimmer, they could come out. I found this to be interesting because in the states, no one is yelling on a megaphone at the beach. We just have whistles, if anything at all. 

On the second day, my friends and I checked out Mandly beach and the photo shown is of Shelly Beach which is a quaint bay. Lots of people were snorkeling, diving, swimming, or just floating around soaking up the Australian sun. It was a beautiful area and very calm. (Submitted on January 24, 2024) 

My first week in Sydney

Submitted by Navleen Kaur on the 2024 Spring semester program in Sydney, Australia

Today, January 20th marks the first week of classes in Sydney for me. The GAV organization had planned a walking tour of The Rocks neighborhood for all of us. Our tour guide explained the historic significance of this town by detailing how and why civilization grew in Australia. I learned that once the US declared independence on July 4, 1776, the UK was not allowed to send people over to the US. Soon, the UK encountered overpopulation and an increase in the crime rate. Desperate to relieve their jails, the UK decided to send people to Australia. The walking tour helped me learn a lot about how settlement in Sydney began. The adjustment to life in Sydney has been relatively easy. Sometimes I forget I am in another country because Sydney is similar to any American city. The people are very kind and helpful! There is also a lot of diversity here. I have seen people from all cultures and walks of life in this city. I also found transportation to be super convenient in Sydney. There are regular buses, trams, and trains anyone can take to get from one part of the city to another. The biggest change for me has been that in Australia, everyone drives on the left side of the road. When I am crossing the street, I always make sure to check both sides of the street because I am always confused about which lane the cars will be driving. Something I love about Sydney so far is that there are an abundant amount of food options here. I am sure it has to do with the great diversity in this city. I am very excited to travel to Surrey Hills soon and try some good food! (Submitted January 20, 2024)

Sydney: The City of Cities

Submitted by Riley Hazel on the 2024 Spring semester program in Sydney, Australia

By now, I’ve been in Sydney for almost a full week. I’ve been to so many places, met so many people, and got to experience the sights and sounds of the city. That’s the beauty of this city, the sights and sounds. Quite simply, there is nothing like Sydney. No city, not even Los Angeles or New York City, can be compared to this one. The feeling Sydney gives off is indescribable to other cities in the US and quite frankly, the world. I was shocked to see how adverse this city is and how many cultures reside there. Not only that, but the pure beauty of it as well as the many parts of nature Sydney provides. I take a 20-minute walk to my classes and every day I find something new and just walk in awe of the rich culture this city has to offer. The architecture of houses varies from Victorian to modern, but even then it has a charm that no other city can compare to. You don’t feel dirty like you do in other cities, but rather you get the peaceful, busy emotions that the suburbs give off. I’ve been to New York City plenty of times, but Sydney is just way above that. I was shocked most about walking on the left side as well as traffic being on the left side but you quickly get used to it. Overall, Sydney so far has been a city of wonder, shock, and beauty; the city of cities. (Submitted January 18, 2024)

Sydney Bridge Climb

Submitted by Taylor Cannon on the 2024 Winter FINC/BUAD program in Sydney, Australia

During our time in Sydney, we had the unique opportunity to do the Sydney Harbor Bridge Climb. The massive bridge is a staple of the Sydney landscape and is commonly photographed with the opera house that sits right next to it. While ascending the bridge, the view was absolutely breathtaking. We could see a completely clear view of the city skyline as the sun was setting. The steel bridge itself weighs in at an impressive 52,000 tons and was created in 1932 by hundreds of workers. Our guide explained the history of the bridge as we ascended to the peak, which is 187ft, or 20 stories! 

Being able to see the city we spent two weeks exploring in full view was so incredible and such a memorable experience. But what I think made it the most fun was spending it with such good friends that I made along the way throughout our trip. I wouldn’t trade these people and this experience for the world and know I am going to cherish it forever! (Submitted February 4, 2024)

Study Abroad in Australia

Submitted by Samantha Urspruch on the 2024 Winter BUAD program in Australia

A Day at the Sydney Fish Market!

Exploring the Sydney Fish Market can be an exhilarating experience for anyone looking to immerse themselves in the rich culinary tapestry of Australia. The vibrant atmosphere is filled with the salty scent of the ocean, the lively chatter of vendors and customers, and the kaleidoscope of colors from an array of seafood on display. To truly make the most of this experience, stepping out of your comfort zone and embracing the opportunity to try new and unfamiliar dishes is essential. We also took a cooking class to learn about the cuisine and culture of the area!

A Day in the Blue Mountains!

We had a beautiful hike through the Blue Mountains in Australia! These iconic peaks, cloaked in eucalyptus forests and adorned with picturesque landscapes, offer a hiking experience that is nothing short of breathtaking.

A wonderful cultural experience in New Zealand!

In the heart of New Zealand’s North Island, the Mitai Maori Village offers a unique and immersive experience that goes beyond a typical dinner outing. Stepping into this cultural haven, visitors are not just treated to a meal but are invited to partake in an authentic Maori feast and celebration. The evening begins with a traditional welcome ceremony, a powhiri, where the locals showcase their rich cultural heritage through song and dance. The rhythmic beats of the waiata (songs) and the fierce expressions of the haka create a very moving atmosphere.

(Submitted February 4, 2024)

Study Abroad in Sydney, Australia

Submitted by Elias Tapia on the 2024 Winter Winter BUAD program in Sydney, Australia

Week 3

Sydney is a city located within the state of New South Wales, Australia, where life is constantly booming, with people constantly on the move as there is so much to do and see within Sydney. This introduction to the city came from the historical landmarks all around, as their statues are everywhere, commemorating the different aspects of its history, ranging from inspirational stories to very controversial ones. The culture that is found in Sydney is very individualistic. All the people that were commemorated had some form of aspiration or individual goal to improve themselves or the country itself. This remains true when participating in various Australian customs and activities, as even though it is meant to be a group effort, it rather feels as though it all relies on oneself rather than the group. This is captured perfectly through the Botanical Garden in Sydney, as this garden doesn’t go out of its way to look extravagant but rather shows the beauty that is found within the country to speak for itself as it doesn’t have to prove anything to anyone.

Sydney as a city is massive, filled with buildings reaching the highest points in the sky, with its local plant life adding to the atmosphere of the city as if it were in a different world in itself. The city provides so many different forms of transportation with buses, trains, light rails, ferries, etc., giving the person different options on how they want to get around this stunning city. The mode of transportation that I preferred was the light rail. It was easy to follow, easily accessible as you were able to see where you were going as the windows made it simple to find where one was all the time, and came every ten minutes or so. The light rail’s final stop is at Circular Quay, which led to the Sydney Opera House, which had such a rich history, with the building now being used by various artists, shows, etc., with it constantly booming with different interpretations of the arts. This was an amazing place to be, as the Opera House is one of the many landmarks that Australia is known for, and so finally being able to see it in person wouldn’t have been possible without this study abroad experience giving me this experience of a lifetime. (Submitted February 3, 2024)

Week 4

The last week within Sydney, Australia, was bittersweet, as I had grown used to the buildings, the beaches, transportation, etc., so the thought of leaving it all was very surreal. One of the highlights of this trip was that I was able to try a Kangaroo dish within one of the restaurants the group visited, where I was served cooked Kangaroo meat, chips, salad, and soy sauce with a knife to cut through the meat. The dish was not for me personally, as it was later explained that the reason kangaroo meat is not usually consumed is because these animals are very healthy in that they have very little to no fat composition within their bodies, meaning their meat can never be cooked to a crisp like steak, pork, etc. Due to this reason, kangaroo meat will always be very chewy and only to the liking of a select few, with many Australians refusing to eat it out of principle as the kangaroo is their national animal. 

There are many places to visit within Sydney, and one of the places that I was fortunate enough to visit was Bondi Beach, with the scenic ocean views and the people being more friendly and laid-back than those in the main city. This captures what day-to-day life is like for most people, as the beach is close by for many, with active surfing classes and groups, with the area to actually swim being small as the rest is occupied by the surfers, with everybody just wanting to relax and just have a good time.

One of the most memorable moments of the trip was the Sydney Bridge Climb, with the group being able to take advantage of this opportunity with the tour starting late in the afternoon and ending towards the night. This experience was able to give the most beautiful view of Sydney possible with all the city lights, with each part of Sydney being able to be seen, such as Bondi, Manley, etc., and flying foxes flying around these gorgeous buildings. The tour guide with the group was very energetic and very helpful throughout the entire process as they explained the history of the city and the bridge itself, as some parts of the bridge serve no architectural purpose but are there for more of an appealing design. This was amusing as even though certain parts serve no purpose, the people of Sydney kept it as a way to remember how far they have come, which really felt inspiring as not many people would think like this in similar circumstances. As I was at the top of the bridge, it became a reminder of how important it is to go out and try different experiences, as this view wouldn’t be possible if I only stayed with what I knew. (Submitted February 4, 2024)

Last Week

Submitted by Isabelle Lieber on the 2024 Winter FINC/BUAD program in Sydney, Australia

For the final week we visited multiple companies, had 3 free days and did a tour of  the opera house. At the opera house we learned about the history and got to see  each of the theaters. On our free days we went on a boat, went to a horse, and  Manley beach. (Submitted February 2, 2024)

Exploring Australia’s Wildlife

Submitted by Taylor Cannon on the 2024 Winter FINC/BUAD program in Sydney, Australia

Visiting Australia’s Native Animals.

Australia is home to some of the most unique flora and fauna in the world, which we got the privilege to visit. While visiting the Australian Wildlife sanctuary nestled in the New South Wales region, we were able to get up close and personal with the animals native to this amazing country. The 80,000 acre lot is home to animals such as kangaroos, wallabies, and emu that roam the property freely and are generally welcoming to guests who are eager to pet them. In addition to this we were able to hold some of the reptiles being rehabilitated such as the shingleback lizard and boa constrictor snakes. While learning and interacting with these awesome animals, our tour guide led us on a guided tour of the main area of the rehab center to visit other animals such as the koalas, bats, dingoes, llamas, and so many more. It was the coolest experience to be so up close and personal to these amazing animals. (Submitted February 2, 2024)