France: Sweet Paris

Submitted by Soraya Force on the 2017 winter session program in Paris, France sponsored by Department of Fashion & Apparel Studies…

The president of the Paris American Academy, Peter, took us on a tour of Paris and kindly bought us all a chocolate treat from the notorious Pierre Herme bakery which was incredible. We also walked around to see how different bakeries and chocolate stores showcase their food and it was unlike anything we see in the United States to say the least. Almost every chocolate shop makes sculptures out of chocolate. I’ve seen chocolate sculpted in the shapes of the Arc de Triomphe, the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame and other abstract art sculptures.

I learned that no matter what a company is selling in Paris, their product/window display will be meticulously and perfectly organized and detailed from food to clothing. Peter said it best when he said in Paris, the window displays of the bakeries and chocolate shops are just as unique and exquisite as if they were selling the finest jewelry. It’s clear that presentation matters with everything here, compared to the United States where it seems most products sold (besides clothing and jewelry) aren’t too thought out like the way it is here in Paris.

My friends and I also went to the famous Laduree Bakery on the Champs Elysees. I got macarons and a raspberry macaron mini cake which was a steal for 7.50 euros. The creme brulee in every restaurant comes in huge portions and in some places it’s actually cheaper than a bottle of water, how crazy! I also tried a nutella tiramisu which is in the picture, and it was exceptionally delicious. I also have had many waffles, crepes, raisin bread, mousse cakes and other pastries. It’s hard not to get dessert everywhere you go. This city definitely knows how to make the best desserts.