Barbados: Patience and Adaptability

Submitted by Ana Ramirez-Irineo on the 2017 winter session program in Barbados sponsored by the Department of Human Development and Family Studies…

Patience and adaptability were key themes this week. Our service-learning placements began and I was ready to expand my knowledge at the HIV/AIDS Commission. However, my first day did not go as I expected. I was given a tour of the facility and met the staff, but I did not do much after that other than read the HIV/AIDS Commission strategic plan. It was a nice opportunity to gather Intel about what the HIV/AIDS Commission is doing, but our study abroad program only has 10 days of 5 hour time slots for our service-learning internship. I understand that miscommunication and just overall workload for the staff could have been factors about how the first day went, but I was disappointed and hoped that the next day would be better.









Instead of the HIV/AIDS Commission, I was placed with the Ministry of Social Care, Constituency Empowerment, and Community Development and I had fun. I worked with the poverty alleviation team and I was invited to join their public relations brainstorm session. The team manager asked for my input and I was happy I was able to use the knowledge I obtained through my human services classes. I honestly appreciated the different perspectives the team had because not everyone thought the same way. I believe differences in thought and ideas are important, especially if the team will be focusing on the population of Barbados, which is not homogeneous. All different perspectives need to be addressed and possible reactions assessed so that the poverty alleviation program is able to positively impact everyone.

I will be joining the HIV clinic this week and cannot wait to see how it goes. I will keep an open mind and make the best of the situation if it is not the best, but I am hopeful.

The second half of the week was amazing because we went on our cultural excursion to the Celebrations of Rhythms dinner show. It was spectacular and the food was delicious. The show incorporated history and dance to showcase Barbados’ culture and how it came to be. The dinner show illustrated how proud Bajans are about their culture and how unique Bajan culture is. My favorite part was Kadooment because it is exclusive to Barbados. Kadooment is a big celebration that occurs the 1st Monday of August. It marks the end of the Crop Over Festival Season. Kadooment is filled with elaborate costumes and dance that almost the whole island participates in. I love discovering unique aspects of a culture and sharing them. Barbados is a beautiful island with beautiful people. I live in the moment when I am here and even though I have two classes, I am not at all stressed out. I hope to further discover Barbados and develop an awareness and appreciation for a different culture during my stay here.