Greece: Life Changing

Submitted by Shelby Switzer on the 2016 winter session program in Athens, Greece sponsored by the Department of Philosophy…

People always tell you that study abroad in any fashion is a life changing experience. Although I’d been abroad for educational and professional reasons before this program, I knew that that wouldn’t make it any less life changing. As I sit on the plane ride home writing this,  I can honestly say that spending the last few weeks studying philosophy in Greece has both changed and enriched my entire life.

I’ve put myself out of my comfort zone in more ways than one and each aspect in which I took that step over the line of what I’m accustomed to had its own unique rewards. I dove head first into exploring an area and a culture whose language I didn’t speak and whose history I was only slightly familiar with. I’ve learned so much about both ancient and modern Greece that I almost can’t imagine ever not having been familiar with the rich and wonderful culture I was able to immerse myself in.

I took a class that lied far outside of those I normally find myself in and although confusing at times, I can’t imagine a class or a professor more suited for this program in Greece. Philosophy isn’t something I’ve had much exposure to throughout the course of my college career, but the past few weeks have certainly encouraged me to question and reason through my own beliefs more than any class I’ve ever taken. I know for a fact that I will take many of the discussions and ideas from this class with me into a plethora of everyday situations as I finish up my last semester and begin working post graduation.

I’m not one to open up and allow myself to become close to others easily, but that’s also something I was able to do during the course of this program. I know I’ve made several new friendships that will not by no means end as we touch down in the United States. The overall experience of study abroad has allowed me to learn more about myself and various cultures, all while seeing fantastic sites and cementing new friendships. It’s an experience that I wouldn’t trade for anything in the world.

Group with Greek flag Shelby Switzer 16W Athens PHIL - micro sm