Flamenco Dance Lessons

Submitted by Jaclyn Roman on the 2012 spring semester program in Granada, Spain…


The days continue to slip away as I have finished my intensive class and next week marks the beginning of a new month! Although the past few days have been filled with studying and preparation for a placement exam I soon will take, I of course still managed to have some fun this week.

Along with some other members of our group, I’m currently taking Flamenco dance lessons and practice twice a week. Ana, our beautiful and sincere instructor, is truly patient with us and her passion for dance is contagious. Flamenco song and dance has a great influence on life in Andalucía (the region of Spain where I’m residing). I feel that learning the basics of Flamenco have already helped me assimilate more into this incredible culture.

This past week I also met a new Spanish student, Laura. Through the University of Granada, an “intercambio” program is offered which essentially is an exchange program. Students who attend the university and study English are able to meet with foreign exchange students like myself to help advance their language skills and form friendships. I loved the time I spent with Laura and I hope that by the end of my study abroad program I will be able to call her a close friend.

Our group didn’t venture on any excursions this week, but rather focused on our studies. I’m reminded that this is not only a cultural learning experience, but one of classroom knowledge as well. It will be refreshing to start classes for the semester and hopefully meet even more students.

Life in Spain continues on as I also continue to immerse myself into a tremendous culture and lifestyle.