Facilities, Real Estate and Auxiliary Services

Use of University Facilities for Activities in Support of a Political Party or Political Candidates

Section: Facilities, Real Estate and Auxiliary Services Policies
Policy Name: Use of University Facilities for Activities in Support of a Political Party or Political Candidates
Policy Owner: Executive Vice President
Responsible University Office: Facilities, Real Estate and Auxiliary Services
Origination Date: April 15, 1975
Revisions: June 5, 1989; August 16, 2006
Legacy Policy Number: 2-04

    To comply with State law that the University shall never be managed or conducted in the interest of any party, sect, or denomination.

    The following guidelines are based on Section 5103 of Title 14 Delaware Code which states: “The University shall never be managed or conducted in the interest of any party, sect, or denomination.” This section of the Delaware Code constitutes, in part, a basis for portions of the following University policies:
    1. The University Speakers Policy (The Student Centers);
    2. The Students Rights and Responsibilities statement section dealing with freedom of inquiry and expression (The Student Centers);
    3. The Distribution of Free Published Materials on Campus Policy (The Student Centers);
    4. The Commercial Promotions, Sales and Solicitation of Funds on Campus Policy (The Student Centers);
    5. The Use of University Facilities by Off-Campus Groups Policy (January 1970) (Legacy Policy 2-02);
    6. The Use of University Physical Education, Athletic and Recreational Facilities Policy (August 1970) (Athletics).

    The general guideline of the University, as established by the faculty in 1970, which governs the invitation of persons from outside the University to speak on the campus reads as follows:

    “Student groups are allowed to invite and to hear any person of their own choosing, providing the groups do not violate the University Charter which forbids the University to show favoritism or preference among political parties. Guest appearances must not interfere with the University’s regular instructional, research, and service programs. Student organizations desiring to invite persons from outside the University to speak on the campus shall invite such persons only after obtaining the approval of their faculty advisers. Except for ceremonial occasions, invited speakers should be prepared for a reasonable public discussion of their express views.” ( The Student Centers). Additional guidelines for the sponsorship of such activities, based upon the University policies cited above, are as follows:
    1. Rules which apply to activities planned by both on-and off-campus groups:
      1. The activity planned for University facilities must be sponsored by a college, division, department or other official administrative or service unit, or by a recognized student organization;
      2. No group may use University facilities as a headquarters to conduct activities in support of a political party or candidate;
      3. Groups may not solicit funds on the campus in support of partisan political activities;
      4. Distribution of free published materials must be in accordance with the University Distribution of Free Published Materials on Campus Policy;
      5. Colleges, divisions, departments or other official administrative or service units, or recognized student organizations may not use University funds to underwrite the cost of partisan political activities except to underwrite the cost of bringing an outside speaker(s) to the campus in accordance with the University Speakers Policy.