The Chen laboratory is located in Colburn 208, 212, 216, 220, and 246 and has the following resources.
Colburn 208 – Microbial Lab
BioRad S1000 Thermal Cyclers BioRad Gel Doc EZ Millipore Milli-Q Advantage A10 Ultrapure DI water system Fisher Isotherm Chromatography Refrigerator
Colburn 212 – Microbial Lab
Shimadzu UV-1800 spectrophotometer with temperature ramping and cooling capabilities BioTek Synergy H4 Hybrid microplate reader. It offers the combined benefits of filter-based and monochromator-based fluorescence and detection with precise temperature control BioRad Thermal Cycler; Olympus Fluorescence Microscope, and LABGARD NU-425-400 Class II, Type A2 Biological Safety Cabinet for microbial cultures Fisher Isotherm -20oC Freezer
Colburn 216 – Cell Culture Lab
Two LABGARD NU-425-600 Class II, Type B2 Biological Safety Cabinets for mammalian cell cultures Zeiss AxioObserver Z1 Motorized Inverted Microscope with Definite Focus Nosepiece, High-Speed FL Shutter, and Digital Imaging System based on Axiocam MRm Three Heracel CO2 Incubators
Colburn 220 – Chemicals and Instrumentation Lab
Agilent 7890A Series GC with Autosampler Nanodrop spectrophotometer Sorvall® RC 6™ Plus Superspeed Centrifuge
Colburn 246 – Instrumentation Lab
Fisher Isotherm -80oC Freezer BioRad CFX96 Real-Time PCR Detection System Fisher Model 705 Sonicator for cell disruption New Brunswick I24R Refrigerated Incubator Shakers Stackable, New Brunswick I26R Refrigerated Incubator Shakers
The Chen Lab also has balances, pH Meters, Eppendorf refrigerated micro-centrifuges, and refrigerators, Tomy ES-315 Autoclave, Heat blocks, water baths, Western Blotting Analysis equipment, and equipment for electrophoresis analysis and imaging.