Addressing New Pest Developments in Small Grain IPM Systems

Joanne Whalen, Extension IPM Specialist;, Nathan Kleczewski, Extension Specialist – Plant Pathology;, Mark VanGessel, Extension Weed Specialist;, Bill Cissel, Extension IPM Agent; This was the final season of our Small Grain IPM project addressing the following… Continue Reading

Fall Herbicide Applications for Barley and Early Planted Winter Wheat

Mark VanGessel, Extension Weed Specialist; There are three issues to consider when thinking of fall herbicide applications for small grains: herbicide effectiveness, weed emergence timing, and weed competition. Herbicides applied in October or November for barley or early planted… Continue Reading

Perennial Weed Management

Mark VanGessel, Extension Weed Specialist; Modified from Dwight Lingenfelter and Bill Curran, Penn State Perennial broadleaf weeds are seldom controlled with soil-applied herbicides and are best targeted with postemergence application. Canada thistle, the bindweeds, horsenettle, hemp dogbane, milkweed, and… Continue Reading

New Mid-Atlantic Field Crop Weed Management Guide

Mark VanGessel, Extension Weed Specialist; There is a new “Mid-Atlantic Field Crop Weed Management Guide” developed by weed specialist from Penn State, Univ. of Delaware, Univ. of Maryland, Virginia Tech, and West Virginia Univ. The 240-page guide covers corn,… Continue Reading