Guess the Pest! September 1
This week we are focusing on soybean. What is this worm at the bottom of my sweep net? Click on the link to log your answer!
This week we are focusing on soybean. What is this worm at the bottom of my sweep net? Click on the link to log your answer!
David Owens, Extension Entomologist, Unfortunately, Bob Lieby knows what small hive beetle is. This pest gets under my skin more than Varroa mite. Strong hives in full sun tend not to deal with them in our area but watch… Continue Reading
David Owens, Extension Entomologist, Congratulations to Michael Crossley for correctly identifying southern root knot nematode as the afflicting agent in last week’s pest challenge. This one was tricky, there are several reasons why soybeans are going to be stunted.… Continue Reading