Reports from 2015 Vegetable Variety Trials are Online

Emmalea Ernest, Associate Scientist – Vegetable Crops; Trials of seedless watermelon, processing sweet corn, and baby and Fordhook lima bean varieties were conducted in 2015. Results from these trials have been posted online at:

Fruit Set Problems and Pollination Disorders in Fruiting Disorders in Fruiting Vegetables

Gordon Johnson, Extension Vegetable & Fruit Specialist; Vegetable harvest is peaking on Delmarva. Unfortunately, we often see pollination problems in fruiting vegetables when weather conditions are unfavorable and 2015 is no exception. Signs of incomplete pollination in cucurbits include… Continue Reading

Stand Reductions and Replant Decisions

Gordon Johnson, Extension Vegetable & Fruit Specialist; Heavy rains after planting and cool temperatures have caused stand reductions in some sweet corn plantings. When stands are reduced, vegetable growers must decide whether or not to replant. Replanting should only be… Continue Reading

Double Crop Lima Beans and Small Grains Fungicides

Nathan Kleczewski, Extension Specialist – Plant Pathology; Several individuals have expressed concern about rotational restrictions to the Prosaro® and Caramba® labels and how this prohibits their ability to use these products for management of DON produced by Fusarium Head… Continue Reading