Last Planting Dates

Gordon Johnson, Extension Vegetable & Fruit Specialist; The following are latest planting dates for unprotected culture of vegetable crops on Delmarva: For cucumbers (pickles and slicers), the latest planting date for Delmarva should be August 7. Experience has shown that… Continue Reading

Soft Rot of Vegetables

Kate Everts, Vegetable Pathologist, University of Delaware and University of Maryland; Soft rot, which is a widespread disease of vegetables caused primarily by Pectobacterium spp. (formerly calledErwinia),has been observed this past week in cabbage. Numerous vegetable crops are susceptible… Continue Reading

2014 Fungicide Registration Updates

Kate Everts, Vegetable Pathologist, University of Delaware and University of Maryland; The 2014 version of the Commercial Vegetable Production Recommendations is available in print, for purchase, from you county extension educator. In addition, the “Recommendations” are available online from… Continue Reading