Survey for FFA Agri-Science Fair Project

My name is Kelly Irvine and I am a member of the Buffalo FFA My family has a beef production operation in West Virginia. I am currently working on an Agri-science Fair Project in which I am researching how farmers/ranchers obtain the land used for their agricultural operations.  I chose this topic because land is essential for agriculture and I am concerned that many persons are not choosing to engage in agricultural production because of difficulties obtaining suitable land.  I would greatly appreciate you taking a few moments out of your busy schedule to complete and return the attached survey.  I assure you that the information you provide will only be used in aggregate in my FFA school project and will not be shared with any other programs or agencies. It is my goal to obtain input from 1,000 farmers across the United States.  Without your help, my project will not be possible.

Download the pdf survey at: Email your response to Kelly at: