Recommended On-line Resources for Pest Management

Alyssa Koehler, Extension Field Crops Pathologist;, Mark VanGessel, Extension Weed Specialist;, David Owens, Extension Entomologist,

GROW (Get Rid of Weeds) –

  • Website for resources on integrated weed management to combat herbicide-resistance and other problematic weed species.

Virginia Tech Extension, Weed Management for Field Crops –

  • This is a joint effort with Virginia Tech, Univ MD, Univ. of WV, Univ. DE, Rutgers Univ., and Penn State. This is the same information in the Penn State Publication, but this version is free.

Weed Identification –

  • Virginia Tech’s online weed identification, a very comprehensive list of weed species found in the mid-Atlantic region.

Insects and Diseases –

  • MyIPM App for Vegetables – tomato and cucurbit disease and insect pest photo guide, damage, and control strategies available as a free apple or android download. Never be without vegetable recommendations! More crops to be pushed out as updates during 2024. Each crop and pest category file can be downloaded individually. Put together with input from regional entomologists across the Southern region and hosted by the Southern IPM Center.
  • MyIPM App for Row Crops – field corn, soybean, small grain, sorghum, peanut, and cotton insect pest photos and control strategies also available as a free apple or android download. Each crop can be downloaded separately. Put together with input from regional entomologists across the mid-Atlantic and Southeast, hosted by the Southern IPM Center.

Crop Protection Network –

  • Publications, encyclopedia of factsheets, image library, fungicide efficacy tables, yield loss calculator, severity estimation tool, and more