How To Meet Accessibility Requirements

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How To Meet Accessibility Requirements (from

In order to provide for the access needs of the disabled, it’s important to understand the technology challenges these users face everyday.

  • Use of non-standard browsers, earlier versions of mainstream browsers, or specially designed text-to-speech and text-to-braille readers that do not function in the way we normally understand browsers to function.
  • Lower screen resolutions, the need for larger fonts, and reduced screen size.
  • Colorblind users who cannot easily “Click the red button to cancel your order.”
  • Users with motor impairment may use non-standard pointing devices and keywords.

The UD Information Technologies has compiled a list of Best Practices that are recommended by the W3C and used by other higher ed institutions for accessible web design. This information is based on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0) and Accessible Rich Internet Applications (W A I-ARIA 1.0) standards published by the W3C.

A Word About Conformance

As you might expect, there are levels of conformance for a web page. The University of Delaware recommends satisfying a minimum success criteria for WCAG 2.0 Level A. Please consult the WCAG 2.0 section for Conformance for more information.

Please visit our modified list of WCAG 2.0 standards.  Our hope is make this easier for you to understand and to implement.

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has put together a customizable quick reference page.

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