Digital Projects

A banner image showing a painting, lamp, and book.

Victoria worked with the ThingStor project, designing the website and managing the database.

Online Exhibit – Built from the Earth: Pueblo Pottery from the Anthony and Teressa Perry Collection. 

ThingStor Database
ThingStor’s database of material culture found in literature and visual art was developed by a working group of graduate students at the University of Delaware under the direction of Dr. Martin Brückner with the support of the Center for Material Culture Studies at UD. Website design by Victoria Sunnergren.

Commeraw Jar Video, Winterthur Museum
Created a video of an object in the Winterthur collection, including designing moving map graphics in After Effects, recording audio in Audacity, and finalizing in iMovie. The video was selected for the 2018 Student Multimedia Showcase at the University of Delaware. The video was displayed in the exhibition Truths of the Trade: Slavery and the Winterthur Collection, at Winterthur Museum, Gardens & Library.

Knees and Aborigines: An Online Exhibition 
Designed a virtual exhibition space in Sketchup and created 3D models of pottery in the permanent Museums Collections of the University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press using Agisoft Photoscan. Created a website for the virtual exhibition with text, images, and sound using Email for password to 3D models and videos (protected due to copyright).

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