Category Archives: General Posts

Uncertainty, Risk, and Health

A key issue in the sociological study of health and illness is UNCERTAINTY.  From fears of vaccines, trying to understand cancer clusters, or any other number of protest health social movements, they all hinge on the fundamental dimension of uncertainty and how lay people understand and act on it.  This is especially the case for social movements countering accumulated scientific evidence.  Ranging from calculated risks and probabilities to personal experience, or from the scientific method and its evidence to experiential knowledge, uncertainty allows the individual cause for trust or cause for alarm.

Privitization of Risk

An important question to ask in the age of the informed health consumer (or ‘bio-citizen’)  and the expansion of medical surveillance is how risk is being privatized.  Medicalization absolves responsibility for some health outcomes, but it has also relocated and heightened responsibility for managing some risks at the individual level.  What are the sociological consequences of this?

“Bodyscapes” Exhibition Comes to an End…

After visiting Mechanical Hall on campus today, I am sad to see the current exhibition, “Bodyscapes,” come to an end.  Such inspiring and penetrating work by very talented African-American artists, including:

Amos Ashanti Johnson, Michael Ray, Samella Lewis, Tina Allen, Jacob Lawrence, Walter Fulton, James Wells, Roy DeCarava, Carrie Mae Weems, and the personal favorite of mine Hayward Oubre.

Many thanks to everyone who made that exhibition so amazing!

Some Summer Philosophy

Check out “An Examined Life” for a very interesting film and accompanying book for you philosophers out there looking for something to stretch your mind over the summer.  A few years ago I read the book on my way back from San Francisco after seeing the film.  Astra Taylor’s vision, coupled with the wisdom and personalities of folks like West and Zizek, make for a fun and enlightening experience.  Enjoy!

‘An Examined Life’

Video of “Sacrifice Zones” Talk

Mr. Lerner gave a very informative discussion of his book “Sacrifice Zones” (MIT Press 2010) to a packed house at UD on May 12th.  Faculty, graduate and undergraduate students, as well as members of the community and local DE environmental justice advocates were all in attendance.  Thanks again to Steve and all others who helped me make this possible.

Steve Lerner Discusses Sacrifice Zones at UD

Steve Lerner Discusses “Sacrifice Zones” on May 12th

Steve Lerner, experienced journalist and MIT Press author of “Sacrifice Zones: The Front Lines of Toxic Chemical Exposure in the United States ” (2010) is coming to UD!  Free admission and open to both the campus community and the public, the talk on May 12th promises to rouse anyone concerned about environmental discrimination and injustice.  Download the promotional flier and publication information here.

Steve Lerner on May 12th

Sacrifice Zones Publication Information