UST Explorer

A Blog for Undeclared Students

Author: kseymour (page 3 of 18)

Major Exploration: Apparel Design and Fashion Merchandising

If you have a knack for creating, adapting, displaying, and marketing clothing and accessories, a career in the fashion industry may be a good fit for you.

Students interested in the restricted majors, Apparel Design (BS) and Fashion Merchandising (BS), should submit the change of major form found here no later than February 15, 2019 to be considered for acceptance in the Spring. Admission to these majors is restricted; that is, they are limited by academic requirements (such as GPA), availability of resources (such as faculty supervisors), or physical space limitations (such as appropriate laboratory facilities).


Campus Resources

Free coffee will be available in the Perkins and Trabant Student Centers during final exam week. Check Student Central for a full list of the stress-relieving activities being offered across campus.


Student Spotlight: Isabella Hsiao

Isabella is a sophomore UST student and peer liaison. She thinks the main benefit of entering college as an undeclared student is having the opportunity to explore your options by taking classes that interest you while fulfilling breadth requirements. Although she is still considering majors, becoming a member of the Evolution Dance Team and Zumba Club helped Isabella decide to declare a dance minor.


In the Know: Declaring a Major at UD

Students at the University of Delaware may declare a major and/or minor using the change program plan form available in UDSIS. Although most majors are available to all students, keep in mind that some majors are restricted to students who have met a set of specified criteria (such as a minimum GPA). Some majors also have limited availability due to reaching program capacity. Detailed requirements for restricted majors are available on the Registrar’s page. Please review these criteria carefully and ask an advisor if you have questions.


Campus Resources: Tutoring

UD students often benefit from participating in one of the many free tutoring programs offered on campus. Students taking introductory BISC and CHEM courses can stop by ISLL 314 at the DuPont Learning Center. The MSLL Open Lab provides free tutorial support for students enrolled in Math 010, Math 113, Math 114, Math 115, Math ​117, Mat​h ​221, Math 241, Math 201, Math 202​​, and Math 267. Students enrolled in a variety of science, math, and other classes (including Economics, Computer Science, and Nutrition) can also attend free drop-in sessions offered by the OAE located in the Center for Academic Success.

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