Dear University of Delaware Students enrolled in AGRI 130
Welcome to the Fall 2021Semester and the sixth-year offering of AGRI 130, Understanding Today’s Agriculture, taught by Dr. Mark Isaacs.
You will be assigned specific blog posts, as well as post optional material you feel is relevant to the class. These assignments will be posted on your CANVAS class site, copied from there and shared on this blog where the public can view your observations.
We encourage you to use this platform to share your discoveries of Delaware agriculture as you progress through this course — anything you think might be of interest to others.
We hope you share your posts and those of your classmates on social media! Please use hashtags #FarmDE and #UDel if possible!
Express yourself and have fun!
A sample post might look something like this:
As I was driving to class this morning it was very foggy and I thought this was an interesting shot of watermelons in the field as the fog began to lift. Delaware and Indiana are the two highest producing states for watermelon crops in the northern U.S.