Tracy Wootten and Valan Budischak came into class to talk about Delaware’s green industry. This industry includes producers, retailers, landscapers, land management and everything in between. As of 2014, the horticultural product sales totaled to almost 22 million dollars, needless to say, it is a popular and still growing industry. Producers in the industry produce floriculture crops, which include bedding and garden plants, cut and potted flowering plants, foliage plants and other propagative materials. Producers also work to provide nursery crops like evergreens, shade trees, shrubs, ornamentals and fruit, and nut trees. These can all be found in nursery productions, commonly seen in greenhouses and high tunnels. A growing niche is the use of greenhouses for cut flowers for local florist sales. A major growing market for florists right now is orchids.
Delaware’s green industry is also helping in aid of land management such as removal and prevention of invasive species. Not only is this done in state parks and forests, but Delaware’s Department of Transportation also helps in managing land along highways. A new initiative is pushing for more native wildflowers to be planted along roads to help with driver fatigue. A healthy ecosystem with native species is the first step in preventing invasive species and other unwanted pests. The green industry does so much more, such as helping businesses set up rain gardens, help create green industry education in schools and even helping to keep golf courses fresh and green. The industry is working hard to make Delaware green again.