Fifer Orchards Field Trip

Unfortunately I was unable to attend the class field trip to Fifer Orchard, but after reading a few of my classmates thoughts on the trip and looking through their website, a few things have caught my eye. First, I am in awe of their CSA program. Growing up, my family has always been part of various CSA programs around our area, some being great, and some being not so great in terms of variety of products or options. Fifer Orchards offers three options, depending on how much you want or need. They not only include fresh produce, but also eggs, baked goods, honey, and dairy. The Delmarva box seems like an amazing convenient resource to feed the whole family, and also support local agriculture. Secondly, I wish I could learn more about how they run their business, because of how successful they’ve become. I know a few small farms that tried to have CSA programs, but ultimately failed because no one knew they were there. Fifer Orchards even has a deli market in Rehoboth, which now that I know of, will definitely stop by next time I’m down by the beaches. It makes me hopeful that we’ll continue to be able to have options like Fifer Orchards, and that more people will understand the value of support local agriculture.

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