Cartanza Farm Visit

This past Saturday, our class had the opportunity to visit Georgie Cartanza’s poultry operation, which is located just outside of Dover. Georgie operates 4 poultry houses with 37,000 birds per house. During a year Georgie raises 5 1/2 flocks of broilers. Throughout the trip, it was overwhelming how many facets are involved in production. Georgie manages flock health and nutrition, nutrient management, and environmental regulations. In regards to flock health and nutrition, Georgie uses organically certified feed. To increase efficiency, the chickens have nipple drinkers and automatic pan feeders. To also maintain aligned with environmental standards, Georgie has to manage nutrients. Georgie has recently invested in an ecodrum, a machine that composts bird carcasses in a sustainable method. Furthermore, she sells manure to dairy farmers to reuse. It is clear from our tour, that poultry producers in Delmarva are active producers and stewards of the environment.

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