Georgie Cartanza Guest Lecture Blog

Guest speaker Georgie Cartanza gave us a lecture on the the Poultry Industry in Delmarva.  This industry is large in Delmarva as we produce almost ten percent of national production.  The poultry industry is interconnected to many other industries and our everyday life, and for every 1 job in the industry it creates 7 in the community.  Georgie also spoke on the vertical integration of the poultry industry as well as the evolution in technology that is involved in poultry production, and how this technology has made production much more efficient.  All of this information was new to me, but the most surprising thing to me was what she wanted us to remember from her lecture most of all. Chickens are not grown with added hormones or steroids, but selective breeding overtime has caused our chickens to get bigger and produce more meet.  Another surprise to me was the size of the bird was mainly based off of how old the bird was and not that it was of a different breed.

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