Positive and Negatives of New Food Labeling Laws

The New food labeling laws on foods in our very own grocery stores, has been a controversial topic consisting of a lot of positives and negatives. Starting with the pros  consumers are able to more openly narrow down their purchasing decisions with their actual preference and food quality. They are basically able to group the foods they find important a lot more efficiently. Not only is it good for the consumer, but is also good for the industry as it gives new companies different ways of getting higher prices in the industry.   Nutrition labels globally haven’t been refreshed since 2006, so it’s better to be more precise on the current status/information of what we consumers are putting into our body.  Just like most things along with the pros, comes cons. Food labels have the tendency to sound like they have a positive impact, but in reality have a negative one. These misinterpretations on the food labels have become a huge problem and factor in this debate. Research has been conducted showing that a lot of worry is being placed into the market that doesn’t have any scientific based evidence or facts. So as you can see it really depends on the person on whether or not you find the new food labeling laws a productive or regressive thing.

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