Poultry Farm Tour

Initially, when Dr. Isaacs informed my class about our field trip to the poultry farm I was a bit apprehensive about it.  Being that I’m a vegetarian, I was afraid I’d be exposed to conditions that I wouldn’t be emotionally ready for.  Aside from that, I’ve seen cruel documentaries of how chickens are mistreated. But after our class lecture about the evolution of the poultry industry and the farm we would be visiting, I was less anxious about the field trip.

To my surprise, the farm was nothing that I expected it to be.  The farm is run by a woman named Georgie Cartanza.  Ms. Cartanza is a very hardworking woman who has dedicated most of her work life to the poultry industry.  She is extremely passionate and well-informed about the chickens she raises.  I was shocked when she told us that she has approximately 148,000 chickens and only has two other people help her maintain and care for the chickens.  I was under the impression that she would have many more people helping her.  She was very welcoming and allowed us into one of the chicken houses.  Although I contemplated if I wanted to go into one, I’m glad that I decided to.  The house was very well kept and the chickens seemed to be content in their environment. The chickens are provided with ample food and water through rows of dispensers.  After seeing all the technology used to run the houses, I understood why Ms. Cartanza doesn’t need much additional help.  I was pleased to hear that her chickens are organically grown meaning they aren’t given any antibiotics and are provided with natural light.

This field trip allowed me to see a side of the poultry farm I most likely wouldn’t have known about. Due to all that I’ve seen and heard about animal farms, I found it difficult to see around the negative associations.  However, I can say that Georgie’s farm has skewed my perception.

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