The Delaware’s green industry guest lecture by Tracy and Valann was very interesting. I had no idea there was a difference between floriculture crops and nursery crops. I also found it very interesting that a local store that I had been to many times had their own brand of flowers called the Proven Selections and they could be found in other local stores. It was very interesting so many of the stores I had visited with my grandmother as a child pop up during the presentation. One of my favorite parts of the lecture was hearing about the way they are managing some of the medians of highways. I would have never thought that minimal management would have been so beneficial. The benefit of preventing crashes by slowing down vehicles was a great concept to me. I love the idea and I also think the natural look or letting the plants and grasses in the median grow is an appealing look. There were many new things that I learned about Delaware’s green industry that I learned in this lecture that I hope to share with others.