University of Delaware Research Farm (Newark) 11-12-16

For our final field trip of the semester, we stayed closer to home and visited our very own South Campus where the UD Research Farm is located. I had been to the farm dozens of times in my 2.5 years here in Newark so far, even having given tours of it on my own. I had seen behind the scenes many times before, however I always learned something new. This trip was no exception. One of the new facts I learned was that the horse can be the toughest to manage, which I had assumed due to its unique nutritional requirements, however the reason on UD’s farm was due to their temperament! This was quite an interesting change in my beliefs, grant it I imagine the nutritional requirements are still a topic of issue. Ultimately, something I did not believe was an issue on our own campus, but is certainly an issue in other parts of the world, is land management. I was a bit saddened to learn even here in Newark the greatest challenge is maintaining our resources from being bulldozed over into more buildings, athletics fields, and/or parking lots. Natural land is so important and I am glad to see that, so far, UD has stuck by its South Campus being dedicated to agriculture and the furthered research of it.

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