Trans Pacific Partnership

The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a trade agreement signed in February with Australia, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, U.S., Vietnam, Chile, Brunei, Singapore, and New Zealand. According to the U.S. government’s website, the major benefits of the TPP for us include elimination of thousands of taxes on Made in America exports, helps small businesses benefit from global trade, promote internet purchases and preserve an “Open Internet”. It aims to promote a single market and to increases regulation on agricultural products. Critics accuse the TPP of secretive negotiations and that it favors large, multinational corporations. Critics also say that TPP will compromise the safety of our food by opening up many more imports with already a lack of funds. All in all the benefits and concerns seem to overlap with what is true and not true. Its difficult  for an average person to get the facts and not a tilted view.

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