Agricultural Irrigation by James Adkins

This guest lecture about irrigation was a fascinating one just due to all of the advances that have been made in this field practically as old as farming itself. Water is essential to all life and the conservation and proper efficient use of it is what irrigation is all about. We learned about the most common kind irrigation were the traveling gun, sub-surface drip, surface & shallow sub-surface drip, and the most common: center pivot. Center pivot is nice because you can easily control the distribution of the water although a bit expensive. One of the most recent advances in irrigation technology is zone control which is basically turning the water on and off as the center pivot pipe goes around the field to prevent too much water from being sprayed. With water being a scarce commodity in certain parts of the world it is important that we learn to manage our water supply carefully and use it intelligently and proper irrigation is vital to that goal. However,  I think the most important lesson I learned from this lecture is: don’t park your car in the wheel track.

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