Throughout the semester we will provide words of wisdom to freshmen and underclassmen. This week, upperclassmen give advice for incoming freshmen. Please check back for advice on midterms, finals, getting involved, and more!
“Before I left for my freshman year at UD many of my friends and family members offered useful pieces of advice, some of which I listened to and some of which I didn’t give a second thought. Looking back, I really wish that I had taken into consideration everyone’s opinions because they all had something to offer. The biggest piece of advice I could offer to incoming freshman Ag students is to mentally prepare for the course load and adequately designate time to spend on your course work. I found that during the first few weeks of school I became wrapped up in the social aspects of living in an on-campus dorm. I neglected to realize how quickly my classes were moving, and how much material my professors were covering in a short period of time. While studying for midterms, I realized just how much material I needed to revisit. A second piece of advice I would offer any underclassman, is to never hesitate in approaching your professors with questions or concerns throughout the semester. I found that many professors are willing to set aside time to review class material if you express your need for further clarification. Lastly, I would encourage all freshman Ag students to explore south campus and familiarize yourself with Townsend Hall!!!”
-Tori Bonner
“When I arrived to college, I thought I had a solid plan. Go to class during the day and study and do homework at night. However that plan quickly changed as I became more involved in extracurricular activities on campus. Pledging a sorority, joining clubs, and making new friends took a lot more of my time than I had originally anticipated. If I knew what I know now, I would have prioritize my time properly. Time management is the most important thing in college! Most of the extracurricular activities are optional. Pick and choose the important things. If you plan ahead and know when exams or homework are coming up you can easily prioritize and still be able to have some fun!”