Phishing scam claims to be part of UD “Security Update”

This morning, multiple people are reporting getting this phishing scam aimed at the University of Delaware community: If you see this message, just delete it. If you spend just a few seconds examining this message, you should be able to tell it’s a scam: Why...

Fake Library email is a dangerous UDel phishing scam

Multiple people have reported seeing a dangerously well-crafted phishing message that tries to lure University of Delaware faculty, staff, and students to log in to a fake UD page and “reactivate” their UD Library account. This email is a scam. Do not...

Phishing scam claims to come from UDel president

Members of the UD community are reporting a phishing scam that boldly claims to come from President Assanis. This email is yet another example of spear phishing, where scammers research an organization and use names and other information to craft a targeted message...

Phishing scam claims to be from IT Help Desk

This phishing scam was reported by several people who commented that it bypassed spam filters for in their UD email. This scam is pretty obvious, but all it takes is one person to see that “Attention:” greeting in an email allegedly from the...