Fake email account notification hits UDel inboxes

Today brings us an obvious and classic phish: the traditional email account maintenance notification. Immediately, you’ll notice that the sender is a University of Michigan account, the byline, title, and signature all say University of Delaware, and the content...

Spammers hijack accounts, hit UDel inboxes

It seems that some scammers have been using hijacked UDelNet accounts to send generic spam messages to UD accounts and mailing lists. The MO on these messages is all the same: the scammer acquires someone’s account credentials and then uses the compromised...

Chase Bank scam finds UDel inboxes

An astute employee caught this phish fresh this morning. It’s yet another in the long line of legit-looking scams that seems the be characterizing 2015 as the year of the phish. The email claims to come from Chase Bank, and it includes both the Chase logo and...

Move-in weekend scams hit UDel inboxes

Campus has been busy these past few days. Students and professors alike are returning to the area, and there’s lots of communication going on between colleagues and UD’s many departments. Unfortunately, this time also presents a golden opportunity for...

Classic email account scam resurfaces at UDel

Throwback Thursday! This is one of the old standby scams of phishers everywhere: the fake email account notification. The goal of a message like this is to get an unsuspecting victim to either click a link to a malicious Web site or to provide their account...